Electric Fence Energiser
Jolt capacity for 50 days

Are you bothered by stray cats and dogs prowling and digging in your garden? Or does your own pet require strong persuasion to stay within a restricted area? This electric fence generator may well be the answer to your problems. A simple generator built around a 555 timer and an old ignition coil are sufficient to build a suitable circuit at a small outlay.
Gerber file
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Component list
R1 = 15k
R2,R3 = 6k8
R4 = 1M
R5 = 390k
R6 = 470
R7 = 560
C1,C2 = 100µF 63V radial
C3 = 10nF
C4 = 1µF5 MKT, lead pitch 5mm or 7.5mm
C5 = 220nF 630V MKT, lead pitch 22.5 or 27.5mm, size 11x30 mm
C6,C8 = 100nF
C7 = 47µF 25V radial
D1 = zener diode 10V 0.5W
D2,D3 = 1N4148
D4 = 1N4007
D5 = LED, low-current
D6 = 1N4002
T1 = IRFP460PBF (500 V/20 A, TO247AC), e.g., Digi-Key IRFP460PBF-ND
IC1 = TLC555CP (do not use NE555!)
K1-K4 = Fast-on (spade) connector, vertical, 2-way PCB mount
S1 = slide switch, PCB mount, 3 x changeover (2 poles, 3 positons), e.g., Conrad Electronics 708097-62
In-line fuse 4A T (slow) with holder
12-V ignition coil (w. length of spark plug cable)
1 wire link (next to D2)
PCB, ref. 050248-1 from The PCBShop
R1 = 15k
R2,R3 = 6k8
R4 = 1M
R5 = 390k
R6 = 470
R7 = 560
C1,C2 = 100µF 63V radial
C3 = 10nF
C4 = 1µF5 MKT, lead pitch 5mm or 7.5mm
C5 = 220nF 630V MKT, lead pitch 22.5 or 27.5mm, size 11x30 mm
C6,C8 = 100nF
C7 = 47µF 25V radial
D1 = zener diode 10V 0.5W
D2,D3 = 1N4148
D4 = 1N4007
D5 = LED, low-current
D6 = 1N4002
T1 = IRFP460PBF (500 V/20 A, TO247AC), e.g., Digi-Key IRFP460PBF-ND
IC1 = TLC555CP (do not use NE555!)
K1-K4 = Fast-on (spade) connector, vertical, 2-way PCB mount
S1 = slide switch, PCB mount, 3 x changeover (2 poles, 3 positons), e.g., Conrad Electronics 708097-62
In-line fuse 4A T (slow) with holder
12-V ignition coil (w. length of spark plug cable)
1 wire link (next to D2)
PCB, ref. 050248-1 from The PCBShop
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vikiath 5 years ago