DiSEqC Monitor
PIC listens in on satellite receiver control bus

DiSEqC™ (Digital Satellite Equipment Control) is a way of controlling satellite receiver equipment and accessories. Many problems that occur in input switching systems can be tracked down to failures in DiSEqC communications with the receiver. This DiSEqC monitor allows commands on the control bus to be analysed as a first step on the way to finding the fault.
Gerber file
CAM/CAD data for the PCB referred to in this article is available as a Gerber file. Elektor GREEN and GOLD members can exclusively download these files for free as part of their membership. Gerber files allow a PCB to be produced on an appropriate device available locally, or through an online PCB manufacturing service.
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Extra info / Update
The value of C5 was originally 2.2nF according to the Eutelssat specs and worked okay with Nokia sets. Later it was discovered that 220 pF was required for Dreambox sets -- this value also worked with the Nokia 9500 set. Give it a try!
We're sorry this additional information arrived too late for inclusion in the article.
EE Labs 02 November 2006
We're sorry this additional information arrived too late for inclusion in the article.
EE Labs 02 November 2006
Component list
(all SMD case 0805 except P1)
R1 = 15k
R2 = 3k0
R3 = 1M
R4 = 39k
R5 = 680
R6 = 560
R7 = 39k
R8 = 22
R9 = 47k
P1 = 10k preset
(all SMD case 0805 except C8)
C1 = 100pF
C2 = 1nF
C3,C4,C6,C7 = 100nF
C5 = 220pF
C8 = 10µF 16V (SMD case B)
C9,C10 = 27pF
L1,L2 = 27 nH (fR > 2GHz) SMD case 0603 (e.g., Epcos B82496A3270J; Farnell # 158-604)
D1-D4 = 1N4148, SMD case 0805 (e.g. TS4148, Farnell # 815-0206)
D5 = LED, 3mm, green
D6 = LED, 3mm, red
IC1 = PIC16F628A-20/P, programmed, order code 040398-41
IC2 = 78L05
K1,K2 = F socket, angled, 75 Ohm, for PCB mounting (Amphenol; Farnell # 1111377)
S1-S4 = 6-mm pushbutton, 1 make contact, PCB mount (bounce time < 4ms)
X1 = 4MHz quartz crystal
LCD1 = LCD module, 2x16 characters, general purpose
2 14-way pinheader and mating socket for LCD connection (optional, see text)
PCB, ref. 040398-1 from The PCBShop)
PIC source and hex files, file # 040398-11, free download
(all SMD case 0805 except P1)
R1 = 15k
R2 = 3k0
R3 = 1M
R4 = 39k
R5 = 680
R6 = 560
R7 = 39k
R8 = 22
R9 = 47k
P1 = 10k preset
(all SMD case 0805 except C8)
C1 = 100pF
C2 = 1nF
C3,C4,C6,C7 = 100nF
C5 = 220pF
C8 = 10µF 16V (SMD case B)
C9,C10 = 27pF
L1,L2 = 27 nH (fR > 2GHz) SMD case 0603 (e.g., Epcos B82496A3270J; Farnell # 158-604)
D1-D4 = 1N4148, SMD case 0805 (e.g. TS4148, Farnell # 815-0206)
D5 = LED, 3mm, green
D6 = LED, 3mm, red
IC1 = PIC16F628A-20/P, programmed, order code 040398-41
IC2 = 78L05
K1,K2 = F socket, angled, 75 Ohm, for PCB mounting (Amphenol; Farnell # 1111377)
S1-S4 = 6-mm pushbutton, 1 make contact, PCB mount (bounce time < 4ms)
X1 = 4MHz quartz crystal
LCD1 = LCD module, 2x16 characters, general purpose
2 14-way pinheader and mating socket for LCD connection (optional, see text)
PCB, ref. 040398-1 from The PCBShop)
PIC source and hex files, file # 040398-11, free download
Discussion (0 comments)
Behzad Tavassol 4 years ago