Reflow Solder Controller
Soldering SMDs in an ordinary electric oven

the January 2006 issue we described in some detail how you could build your own reflow oven using an inexpensive electric oven. That article resulted in many enthusiastic comments from our readers, which confirmed to us that there was a lot of interest in such a project. In this issue we present a completely new version of the control electronics for a DIY SMD oven. It is even available as a kit of parts, making the construction easy provided you know your bit about electrical safety regulations.
Extra info / Update
18 January 2008: added project software as a free download
11 February 2008: added User Guide as a free download
Component list
Reflow Controller
Elektor, December 2007.
R1 = 10k SMD 0805
R2,R3 = array, 8x10k, SIL
R4..R6 = 33Ω SMD 0805
R7,R8 = 1M SMD 0805
C1,C5,C7,C18 = 100nF SMD 0805
C2 = 10μF / 20V SMD 1210
C3,C4 = 22pF SMD 0805
C6 = 100 μF / 6V3 SMD 1210
C8..C10 = 1 μF / 20V SMD 1812
C17 = 1000 μF / 25V (e.g. Panasonic EEV-FK1E102Q)
D1,D2 = BASS116
D3 = KBP2005G
IC1 = AT89S8253-24AU (DIY programming!)
IC2 = MAX6675ISA4 = 78M05CKTPR
IC5 = TLV2217-33KPTR
T1..T4 = FDV301N
K5 = 5-polige SIL pinheader
K6 = connector FCI HFW24R-1STE1LF
K7 = connector Molex 52207-2485
K8,K9 = 3-way PCB terminal block, 5mm lead pitch
LCD1 = Displaytech 64128G-RGB
Re1,Re2 = Omron G2RL-1A-CF-DC5
S1-S4 = ITT KSL pushbutton
Tr1 = mains transformer 230VAC, Pulse type BV042-5190.0
X1 = 12MHz quartz crystal (Citizen CS10-12.000MABJ-UT)
Thermocouple (e.g. Distrelec 24 01 76)
IEC mains appliance socket with fuseholder
Mains socket for national standard
Cable flat flex 24-pos 1mm 2" (Digikey # WM10009-ND)
Mono audio socket, 3.5mm (e.g. CUI MJ-3536)
Mono audio plug 3.5mm (e.g. CUI MP-2501)
Enclosure (e.g.
Mounting materials (bolts, nuts, spacers, etc.)
Mains switch 230VAC 16A
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