DTMF-controlled Home Appliance Switcher
This circuit can be called using your mobile or a regular telephone set (with DTMF keys) and after passing some procedures, you can control DC-powered appliances installed in your home. Examples include the front door latch and the pump of a plant watering system.
You call the circuit and after three rings, it will answer your call and you will hear two little beeps.
You call the circuit and after three rings, it will answer your call and you will hear two little beeps.
Gerber file
CAM/CAD data for the PCB referred to in this article is available as a Gerber file. Elektor GREEN and GOLD members can exclusively download these files for free as part of their membership. Gerber files allow a PCB to be produced on an appropriate device available locally, or through an online PCB manufacturing service.
Elektor recommends the Elektor PCB Service service from its business partner Eurocircuits or AISLER as the best services for its own prototypes and volume production.
The use of our Gerber files is provided under a modified Creative Commons license. Creative Commons offers authors, scientists, educators and other creatives the freedom to handle their copyright in a more free way without losing their ownership.
Component list
R1 = 68k
R2,R4 = 1k
R3 = 330
R5 = 10k
R6 = 100k
R7 = 220k
R8-R15 = 220
C1,C2,C3,C5,C9-C12,C15 = 100nF
C4 = 2µF2 40V radial
C13 = 1000µF 40V radial
C14 = 100µF 40V radial
B1,B2 = B480C1500 (80Vpiv, 1.5A)
D1-D8 = LED, low current, 3mm
D9 = zener diode 4V7 400mW
D10-D15 = 1N4001
T1 = BD139
IC1 = Atmega8-16PC, programmed, Elektor Shop #080037-41
IC2 = MT8870
IC3 = 7805
IC4 = ULN2004
RE1-RE6 = 12V coil, e.g.V23057
X1 = 3.5795MHz quartz crystal
K1,K2,K3 = 10-way boxheader
K4 = PCB terminal block, lead pitch 5mm
K5-K10 = PCB terminal block, lead pitch 7.5mm
K11 = RJ11 connector, PCB mount, Hirose TM5RE1-64 (Digikey # H11257-ND)
J1,J2 = 3-way SIL pinheader with jumper
PCB, ref. 080037-1 from
R1 = 68k
R2,R4 = 1k
R3 = 330
R5 = 10k
R6 = 100k
R7 = 220k
R8-R15 = 220
C1,C2,C3,C5,C9-C12,C15 = 100nF
C4 = 2µF2 40V radial
C13 = 1000µF 40V radial
C14 = 100µF 40V radial
B1,B2 = B480C1500 (80Vpiv, 1.5A)
D1-D8 = LED, low current, 3mm
D9 = zener diode 4V7 400mW
D10-D15 = 1N4001
T1 = BD139
IC1 = Atmega8-16PC, programmed, Elektor Shop #080037-41
IC2 = MT8870
IC3 = 7805
IC4 = ULN2004
RE1-RE6 = 12V coil, e.g.V23057
X1 = 3.5795MHz quartz crystal
K1,K2,K3 = 10-way boxheader
K4 = PCB terminal block, lead pitch 5mm
K5-K10 = PCB terminal block, lead pitch 7.5mm
K11 = RJ11 connector, PCB mount, Hirose TM5RE1-64 (Digikey # H11257-ND)
J1,J2 = 3-way SIL pinheader with jumper
PCB, ref. 080037-1 from
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