USB Tilt Sensor
(Summer Circuits 2010 article)

A tilt sensor is a very versatile device: for example, it can be used as a (game) controller or as an alarm sensor to protect valuables. The circuit described here uses the same sensor as we used in our two-axis accelerometer project: Freescale MMA7260Q
Gerber file
CAM/CAD data for the PCB referred to in this article is available as a Gerber file. Elektor GREEN and GOLD members can exclusively download these files for free as part of their membership. Gerber files allow a PCB to be produced on an appropriate device available locally, or through an online PCB manufacturing service.
Elektor recommends the Elektor PCB Service service from its business partner Eurocircuits or AISLER as the best services for its own prototypes and volume production.
The use of our Gerber files is provided under a modified Creative Commons license. Creative Commons offers authors, scientists, educators and other creatives the freedom to handle their copyright in a more free way without losing their ownership.
Component list
R1,R2,R3 = 1kOhm (0805)
R4 = 47Ohm (0805)
P1 = 5kOhm trimpot (SMT)
C1 = 1µF 50V (0405)
C2–C5,C7,C8,C9 = 100nF (0805)
C6 = 10nF (0805)
L1,K2,L3 = 10µH (ferrite bead 330Ohm, 0805)
IC1 = FT232RL (SSOP-28)
IC2 = ATmega8-16AU (TQFP-32), programmed, order code 070829-41
MMA7260QT on carrier board, order code 090645-91
LCD1 = Displaytech 162A
8-way SIL socket strip for LCD1, lead pitch 0.1 inch (2.54mm)
K1 = 2 pcs 4-pin pinheader, lead pitch 0.1 inch (2.54mm)
K2 = Mini-USB socket, type B
K3 = 6-pin (2x3) pinheader, lead pitch 0.1 inch (2.54mm)
S1–S4 = pushbutton (through-hole)
X1 = 4MHz ceramic resonator with integrated capacitors (SIL-3)
PCB, order code 070829-1
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