USB Thermometer
A simple method to read data from the USB port

For many years the serial RS232 computer port could be relied upon as a sort of MacGyver universal port. Nowadays PCs are unlikely to be supplied with this 9-pin sub-D connector. When you need to hook up some electronics to a computer, the USB port looks like the only option. The computer however needs a corresponding software driver. Here we describe an elegant patch around this problem.
Gerber file
CAM/CAD data for the PCB referred to in this article is available as a Gerber file. Elektor GREEN and GOLD members can exclusively download these files for free as part of their membership. Gerber files allow a PCB to be produced on an appropriate device available locally, or through an online PCB manufacturing service.
Elektor recommends the Elektor PCB Service service from its business partner Eurocircuits or AISLER as the best services for its own prototypes and volume production.
The use of our Gerber files is provided under a modified Creative Commons license. Creative Commons offers authors, scientists, educators and other creatives the freedom to handle their copyright in a more free way without losing their ownership.
Component list
R1,R3 = 68Ohm
R2 = 1.5kOhm
R4 = 470Ohm
R5 = 10kOhm
C1 = 100nF ceramic, 5mm pitch
C2 = 25µF 16V, electrolytic, 2.5mm pitch
IC1 = ATtiny85-20UP, 8-pin DIL, programmed, Elektor # 120620-41 [6]
IC2 = DS18B20, 3-pin TO92 case
D1,D2 = ZF3.6, zener diode, 0.5W
D3 = LED, green, 5mm
K1 = USB socket, Type A, PCB mount
K2 = 6-pin (2x3) pinheader, 0.1’’ pitch
PCB # 120620-1 [6]
R1,R3 = 68Ohm
R2 = 1.5kOhm
R4 = 470Ohm
R5 = 10kOhm
C1 = 100nF ceramic, 5mm pitch
C2 = 25µF 16V, electrolytic, 2.5mm pitch
IC1 = ATtiny85-20UP, 8-pin DIL, programmed, Elektor # 120620-41 [6]
IC2 = DS18B20, 3-pin TO92 case
D1,D2 = ZF3.6, zener diode, 0.5W
D3 = LED, green, 5mm
K1 = USB socket, Type A, PCB mount
K2 = 6-pin (2x3) pinheader, 0.1’’ pitch
PCB # 120620-1 [6]
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