Professional Lab Power Supply
Quality has its price
Gerber file
CAM/CAD data for the PCB referred to in this article is available as a Gerber file. Elektor GREEN and GOLD members can exclusively download these files for free as part of their membership. Gerber files allow a PCB to be produced on an appropriate device available locally, or through an online PCB manufacturing service.
Elektor recommends the Elektor PCB Service service from its business partner Eurocircuits or AISLER as the best services for its own prototypes and volume production.
The use of our Gerber files is provided under a modified Creative Commons license. Creative Commons offers authors, scientists, educators and other creatives the freedom to handle their copyright in a more free way without losing their ownership.
The BOM (Bill of Materials) is the technically exhaustive listing of parts and other hardware items used to produce the working and tested prototype of any Elektor Labs project. The BOM file contains deeper information than the Component List published for the same project in Elektor Magazine. If required the BOM gets updated directly by our lab engineers. As a reader, you can download the list here.
Want to learn more about our BOM list? Read the BOM list article for extra information.
Component list
(default: 0.1W, 1%, SMD 0603)
R1,R18,R48,R49,R56,R57 = 1kOhm
R2 = 56Ohm 5%, 0.33W, SMD 0805
R3,R50,R58 = 3.3kOhm
R4,R14,R17,R33,R43,R52,R53 = 10kOhm
R5,R6,R7,R9,R11,R12 = 27kOhm 0.1%
R8,R10 = 2.7kOhm, 0.1%
R13,R15,R54,R59,R60 = 5.6kOhm
R16,R23 = 100Ohm
R19 = 560kOhm
R20 = 1MOhm
R21 = 330Ohm
R22,R41 = 270Ohm
R25 = 12kOhm
R26 = 2.4kOhm
R27 = 3.9kOhm
R28 = 100kOhm
R29,R30 = 560Ohm, 1.5W, SMD 2512
R31 = 82Ohm, 0.25 W, SMD 1206
R32,R42 = 22kOhm
R34 = 15kOhm
R35 = 0Ohm (wire link)
R36 = not fitted
R37 = 56kOhm
R38 = 39kOhm
R39 = 160kOhm
R40 = 6.8kOhm
R44–R47 = 1.8kOhm 1W, 5%, leaded
R51 = 0.33Ohm 2W, SMD 2512
R55 = 4.7kOhm
P1 = 2kOhm, multiturn trimpot, tall (9353755)
(default: 50V, X7R, SMD0603)
C1–C6,C11,C13,C14,C15,C19,C22,C31,C34,C37,C38,C41,C46,C51,C52,C54–C59,C61–C70,C74 = 100nF
C7 = 680pF, NP0
C8 = 82pF, NP0
C9 = 4.7nF
C10,C71 = 56µF 63V, 3.5mm pitch, 8mm diam.
C12,C24,C25,C26,C28,C30,C42,C43,C44,C60,C72,C73 = 100µF 63V, 3.5mm pitch, 8mm diam.
C17,C18,C33,C35,C36 = 1µF, X5R
C16,C20,C21,C23,C27,C32,C45,C47,C48 = 100nF, SMD 1206
C29 = 1nF
C39,C49 = 2.2µF 50V, X5R, SMD 0805
C40 = 1µF 100V, PET, 7.5mm pitch
C50,C53 = 18pF
C66 = 100nF 630V, SMD 1812
L2,L3,L4 = 47µF 0.9A, dual choke (1869658)
L5 = 10µF, SMD 0805 (Reichelt # JCI 2012 10µ)
D1,D2,D3,D11 = BAS40W, SMD SOT323 (8734380)
D4,D5 = B560C, Schottky, SMD SMC (1858602)
D6,D7 = PMEG4010ET, Schottky (2311223)
D9,D10,D12,D13 = PMEG6030EP, Schottky, SMD SOD128 (1829207)
D8 = BZV55-C2V4, zener diode, SMD Mini-MELF (1097193)
LED1, LED2, LED4–LED8 = LED, orange, SMD 0603
OK1,OK2,OK3 = KB817-B, DMD4, optocoupler
T1,T2,T3 = BC817, SMD SOT23
T4 = TTA1943, PNP, TO-3P (1901958); alternative: 2SA1943
T5–T8 = PSMN015-60PS, n-channel-MOSFET, TO220 (1845643)
IC1,IC3 = TL5580, SMD SOIC8 (1755396)
IC2 = LM311D, SMD SOIC8 (2293183)
IC4 = INA196AIDBVT, SMD SOT23-5 (1564942)
IC5,IC11 = 74HC1G04GW, SMD SOT353 (1085251)
IC6 = 74HCT74D, SMD SOIC14 (1085304)
IC7 = 74HCT4538D, SMD SOIC16 (1631658)
IC8 = TL074, SMD SOIC14 (1459705)
IC9 = ATmega32-A, SMD 44TQPF, programmed, Elektor Store # 130234-41
IC10,IC12 = 78L05, SMD SOIC8
IC13,IC14 = IR2183SPBF, SMD SOIC8 (1023247)
IC15 = LT1461CCS8-4, 4,096 V, SMD SOIC8 (1663430)
IC16 = MCP4922-E/SL, SMD SOIC14 (1332114)
IC17 = LTC6992CS6-2, SMD TSOT23-6 (1848046)
DC1,DC3 = TMA 1215S, 12V/15V, 1W, Traco (1007521)
DC2 = TMH 1215S, 12V/15V, 2W, Traco (1007560)
X1 = 16MHz quartz crystal, SMD HC49
Heatsink for T4, Fischer SK 08, 3.2K/W (Reichelt V 4511D)
Heatsink for T5–T8, Fischer SK 125 84, 5.8 K/W (4621335)
K5 = 10-pin boxheader
K6 = 16-pin boxheader
K4,K7,K8 = 6-pin boxheader
K3 = 24-pin ATX-2.2 plug, PCB mount (2113352)
K1,K2,K9,K10 = Spade terminal, PCB mount, 4.8 x 0.5mm (4215552)
RE = relay, 12V, 2 x c/o (Reichelt FIN 40.52.9 12V)
2 pcs ferrite core E32/6/20-3F4 (3056107)
Cable ties for securing cores
Washer, ceramic, TO-3P, for T4 (RS Components 283-3830)
Washer, ceramic, TO220, for T5–T8 (RS Components 177-7767)
Screws and nuts for heatsinks and T4–T8
19-inch case, 3 rack units (3U) with:
Module carrier 3U, e.g. Hammond 84TE 235mm Typ F
2 pcs support rail, length 220mm
PCB #130234-1 and 130234-3
7-digit numbers in round brackets are Newark/Farnell order codes
Component List: Display
R1 = 10kOhm 0.1W, 1%, SMD 0603
C1, = 100nF 50V, X7R, SMD 0603
LD1–LD4,LD6,LD7,LD8 = SC39-11GWA, LED-Display, red , common cathode (2314233)
LED1,LED3 = LED, green, rectangular, leaded (1142607)
LED2,LED4 = LED, red, rectangular, leaded (1581150)
IC1 = MAX7221CWG+, SMD SOIC (9725725)
S1 = pushbutton with LED, Multicomp MCSPHN3-YCA043T (2146950)
S2,S3 = rotary encoder with switch, (Mouser 652-PEC12R-4220F-S24)
Knobs for rotary encoder
Caps for knobs
K1 = 16-pin boxheader
2 pcs 16-way IDC socket for flatcable
16-way flatcable
PCB # 130234-2
7-digit numbers in round brackets are Newark/Farnell order codes
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