P-W-M (Programmable, Wireless, Musical) Doorbell
Bit-bang your personal melody

The e-fun you get from any wireless doorbell bought at Wallmart & Co. is as short-lived as the first melody or chime that sounds when the battery is installed. We electronicz people want the contraption to be personal, meaning programmable not just at the PIC level but also with crude though at least, original.
Extra info / Update
User-created melody, memory resident, max. 127 notes
8-bit note/octave/length programming
433-MHz LPR wireless control
Off-the-shelf radio modules
PIC16F873A controller
Holtek HT12 data encoding
All through-hole project
No USB, No MP3
8-bit note/octave/length programming
433-MHz LPR wireless control
Off-the-shelf radio modules
PIC16F873A controller
Holtek HT12 data encoding
All through-hole project
No USB, No MP3
The BOM (Bill of Materials) is the technically exhaustive listing of parts and other hardware items used to produce the working and tested prototype of any Elektor Labs project. The BOM file contains deeper information than the Component List published for the same project in Elektor Magazine. If required the BOM gets updated directly by our lab engineers. As a reader, you can download the list here.
Want to learn more about our BOM list? Read the BOM list article for extra information.
Component list
Component Lists
Receiver Board
R1 = 47kOhm
R2,R11-R18 = 1kOhm
R3 = 3.3kOhm
R4 = 100kOhm
R5,R6,R9 = 10kOhm
R7 = 10Ohm
R8 = 470Ohm
R10 = 100Ohm
R19 = 0Ohm
C9,C10 = 22pF 50V, C0G/NP0, 0.1” pitch
C6 = 1µF 50V, X7R, 0.2” pitch
C3,C7,C8 = 100nF 50 V, X7R, 0.2” pitch
C5 = 10nF 50V, X7R, 0.1” pitch
C2 = 220nF, 50V, X7R, 0.2” pitch
C4 = 10µF, 50V, 2mm pitch, 5x11mm
C1 = 1000µF, 50V, 7.5mm pitch, 16x26mm
LED1 = LED, red, 3mm
X1 = 4MHz quartz crystal, CL=18pF
T1 = BC327
T2 = BC337
T3 = BD139
IC1 = MC7805
IC2 = QAM-RX2-433
IC3 = HT12D
IC4 = 4093
IC5 = PIC16F873A, programmed, Elektor Store # 140256-41
K1 = DC barrel jack, 1.95mm pin, 12V, 3A (center pin GND!)
K4 = 2-way PCB screw terminal block, 0.2”
K2 = 10-way (2x5) boxheader
K8 = 10-pin 16-pin pinheader, snap-off, 2 rows, straight
S3 S2 = SPDT toggle slide switch, PCB edge mount
S2 S3 = pushbutton, tactile feedback, 6x6 mm
Hammond Type 1591 ABS enclosure, 122.45 x 95.9 x 35.25 mm
ANT1 = wire, 17cm
Miniature loudspeaker, 36mm diam., 1 watt
DIP-14 IC socket
Narrow-DIP-28 IC socket
Transmitter Board
Carbon film, 5%, 0.25W
R20 = 2.2MOhm
R21, R22 = 10kOhm
R23 = 220Ohm
R24 = 1MOhm
C11 = 100nF, 50V, X7R, 0.2” pitch
LED2 = LED, red, 3mm
T4,T5 = BC337
T6, T7 = BC327
IC7 = HT12E
IC8 = QAM-TX1-433
D1 = 1N4148
K5 = 40-pin 2-pin pinheader, snap-off, straight, 0.1”pitch
K6 = 36-pin 2-pin socket strip, snap-off, straight, 0.1”pitch
K7 K8 = 10-pin 16-pin pinheader, snap-off, dual row, straight
G1 = PCB holder for CR2032 coin cell
Enclosure: Hammond Type 1591XXLBK
BAT1 = CR2032 battery
S6 = discrete switch or touchswitch board
ANT2 = straight wire, 17cm
DIP-18 IC socket
Programmer Board
S1 = 8-way DIP switch
K3 = 10-way (2x5) IDC receptacle
R11-R18 = 1kOhm
Note: pinheader/socket denotations from Elektor Labs Preferred Parts (ELPP) box.
Receiver Board
R1 = 47kOhm
R2,R11-R18 = 1kOhm
R3 = 3.3kOhm
R4 = 100kOhm
R5,R6,R9 = 10kOhm
R7 = 10Ohm
R8 = 470Ohm
R10 = 100Ohm
R19 = 0Ohm
C9,C10 = 22pF 50V, C0G/NP0, 0.1” pitch
C6 = 1µF 50V, X7R, 0.2” pitch
C3,C7,C8 = 100nF 50 V, X7R, 0.2” pitch
C5 = 10nF 50V, X7R, 0.1” pitch
C2 = 220nF, 50V, X7R, 0.2” pitch
C4 = 10µF, 50V, 2mm pitch, 5x11mm
C1 = 1000µF, 50V, 7.5mm pitch, 16x26mm
LED1 = LED, red, 3mm
X1 = 4MHz quartz crystal, CL=18pF
T1 = BC327
T2 = BC337
T3 = BD139
IC1 = MC7805
IC2 = QAM-RX2-433
IC3 = HT12D
IC4 = 4093
IC5 = PIC16F873A, programmed, Elektor Store # 140256-41
K1 = DC barrel jack, 1.95mm pin, 12V, 3A (center pin GND!)
K4 = 2-way PCB screw terminal block, 0.2”
K2 = 10-way (2x5) boxheader
K8 = 10-pin 16-pin pinheader, snap-off, 2 rows, straight
S3 S2 = SPDT toggle slide switch, PCB edge mount
S2 S3 = pushbutton, tactile feedback, 6x6 mm
Hammond Type 1591 ABS enclosure, 122.45 x 95.9 x 35.25 mm
ANT1 = wire, 17cm
Miniature loudspeaker, 36mm diam., 1 watt
DIP-14 IC socket
Narrow-DIP-28 IC socket
Transmitter Board
Carbon film, 5%, 0.25W
R20 = 2.2MOhm
R21, R22 = 10kOhm
R23 = 220Ohm
R24 = 1MOhm
C11 = 100nF, 50V, X7R, 0.2” pitch
LED2 = LED, red, 3mm
T4,T5 = BC337
T6, T7 = BC327
IC7 = HT12E
IC8 = QAM-TX1-433
D1 = 1N4148
K5 = 40-pin 2-pin pinheader, snap-off, straight, 0.1”pitch
K6 = 36-pin 2-pin socket strip, snap-off, straight, 0.1”pitch
K7 K8 = 10-pin 16-pin pinheader, snap-off, dual row, straight
G1 = PCB holder for CR2032 coin cell
Enclosure: Hammond Type 1591XXLBK
BAT1 = CR2032 battery
S6 = discrete switch or touchswitch board
ANT2 = straight wire, 17cm
DIP-18 IC socket
Programmer Board
S1 = 8-way DIP switch
K3 = 10-way (2x5) IDC receptacle
R11-R18 = 1kOhm
Note: pinheader/socket denotations from Elektor Labs Preferred Parts (ELPP) box.
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