Sand Clock
A real eye-catcher

This nifty gadget built around an Arduino Uno uses some servos and a pantograph mechanism to write the time in a sand bed. After a configurable time interval the sand is smoothed out by a pair of vibration motors and the cycle starts over again. Along with the automatic time mode, the clock software has a command mode which allows you to control the pen using simple commands.
Gerber file
CAM/CAD data for the PCB referred to in this article is available as a Gerber file. Elektor GREEN and GOLD members can exclusively download these files for free as part of their membership. Gerber files allow a PCB to be produced on an appropriate device available locally, or through an online PCB manufacturing service.
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Component list
Component List
R1,R2,R3 = 220Ω, SMD 0805
R4 = 1.8kΩ, SMD 0805
R5–R9 = 4.7kΩ, SMD 0805
R10 = 100kΩ, SMD 0805
C1–C4 = 100nF, SMD 0805 MLCC
C5 = 10µF 10V, SMD 1206 MLCC
C6 = 22µF 16V
D1,D2,D3 = S2J-E3
T1 = BCX56
IC1 = SIP3 5V/1A DC/DC converter (Würth Elektronik # 173 010 578)
IC2 = PCF2129A
K1 = set of SIL pinheaders, 0.1’’ pitch (1 pc. 10-pin, 2 pc. 8-pin, 1 pc. 6-pin)
SERVO_Z,SERVO_L,SERVO_R = 3-ppin right-angled pinheader, 0.1’’ pitch
B1 = CR2032 button cell with holder
Arduino UNO R3 or equivalent
Mechanical parts
6 pcs. bolt, M2x10, Pozidrive/Phillips
6 pcs. bolt, M2.5x8, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
6 pcs. bolt, M2.5x12, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
2 pcs. bolt, M3x6, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
2 pcs. bolt, M3x8, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
15 pcs. bolt, M3x10, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
1 pc. bolt M4x30 plastic, Phillips (sharpen end with pencil sharpener)
6 pcs. nut, M2, zinc-plated steel, DIN 934
7 pcs. nut, M3, steel, DIN 934
3 pcs. locking nut, M3, zinc-plated steel, DIN 985
1 pc. nut, M4, polyamide
2 pcs. washer, M3, zinc-plated steel, DIN 125A
4 pcs. washer, M3, plastic, DIN 125A
4 pcs. standoff, 3mm high, polyamide, for M3
4 pcs. spacer, 25mm, M/F M3, nickel-plated brass (min. 33mm total height, e.g. TME TFM-M3X25/DR213)
2 pcs. cable clip, polyamide, Panduit type CCS25-S10-C
4 pcs. self-adhesive rubber foot
3 pcs. micro servo, Tower Pro MG90S of MG90 with metal cogs
2 pcs. vibration motor, round, 6mm diam., type VM6ZK273 (JPR Electronics # 450-007)
Extruded (XT) PMMA, 3mm, clear, laser-cut
Fine-grain white sand (see text)
Nourishment coloring additive (optional)
A DIY kit including all parts and the SMD-preassembled shield is available through the Elektor Store.
R1,R2,R3 = 220Ω, SMD 0805
R4 = 1.8kΩ, SMD 0805
R5–R9 = 4.7kΩ, SMD 0805
R10 = 100kΩ, SMD 0805
C1–C4 = 100nF, SMD 0805 MLCC
C5 = 10µF 10V, SMD 1206 MLCC
C6 = 22µF 16V
D1,D2,D3 = S2J-E3
T1 = BCX56
IC1 = SIP3 5V/1A DC/DC converter (Würth Elektronik # 173 010 578)
IC2 = PCF2129A
K1 = set of SIL pinheaders, 0.1’’ pitch (1 pc. 10-pin, 2 pc. 8-pin, 1 pc. 6-pin)
SERVO_Z,SERVO_L,SERVO_R = 3-ppin right-angled pinheader, 0.1’’ pitch
B1 = CR2032 button cell with holder
Arduino UNO R3 or equivalent
Mechanical parts
6 pcs. bolt, M2x10, Pozidrive/Phillips
6 pcs. bolt, M2.5x8, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
6 pcs. bolt, M2.5x12, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
2 pcs. bolt, M3x6, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
2 pcs. bolt, M3x8, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
15 pcs. bolt, M3x10, zinc-plated steel, Pozidrive DIN 7985A
1 pc. bolt M4x30 plastic, Phillips (sharpen end with pencil sharpener)
6 pcs. nut, M2, zinc-plated steel, DIN 934
7 pcs. nut, M3, steel, DIN 934
3 pcs. locking nut, M3, zinc-plated steel, DIN 985
1 pc. nut, M4, polyamide
2 pcs. washer, M3, zinc-plated steel, DIN 125A
4 pcs. washer, M3, plastic, DIN 125A
4 pcs. standoff, 3mm high, polyamide, for M3
4 pcs. spacer, 25mm, M/F M3, nickel-plated brass (min. 33mm total height, e.g. TME TFM-M3X25/DR213)
2 pcs. cable clip, polyamide, Panduit type CCS25-S10-C
4 pcs. self-adhesive rubber foot
3 pcs. micro servo, Tower Pro MG90S of MG90 with metal cogs
2 pcs. vibration motor, round, 6mm diam., type VM6ZK273 (JPR Electronics # 450-007)
Extruded (XT) PMMA, 3mm, clear, laser-cut
Fine-grain white sand (see text)
Nourishment coloring additive (optional)
A DIY kit including all parts and the SMD-preassembled shield is available through the Elektor Store.
Discussion (0 comments)
JLM7174 8 years ago
There is a mistake regarding the kinematics of the pantograph: L46 is not constant, but variable (that's elementary geometry). The authors subsequently forgot to explain how to obtain the value of L46. It's not that difficult, and the readers might consider it as an exercice.
Thack 8 years ago
I wonder if these points are why the numerals come out distorted. They lean strongly to the left, and the leftward lean is more severe on the left-most digit than the right-most. Also, the digits get larger as they go from left to right. At least one other person has observed the leaning numerals.
Also, a few times per hour the sofware goes mad and repeatedly erases and rewrites the same time. Again, observed by at least one other. I think the firmware needs a bit more polish - it's as if they got 95% of the way there and then ran out of steam. :-)
Thack 7 years ago
The instructions don't make this clear. If you put the arm with the fixed angle on the right, then you get the distorted, sloping numerals.
johnp 8 years ago
Mrsic 6 years ago
BicyclePump 5 years ago
TheEditor 5 years ago