OBD2 Handheld using a Raspberry Pi
With new diagnostic software

The Pi-OBD-HAT is an off the shelf add-on board for the Raspberry Pi which converts the tiny computer into a dedicated OBD2 diagnostic tool. One disadvantage was the need of a terminal program running on a PC for control. A much more convenient and neater solution is provided by the HHGui OBD2 diagnostic software.
Extra info / Update
* Support for up to eight OBD2 ECUs (Electronic Control Units) according to ISO 15765-4 [9]
* OBD2-Service 0x01: Read Live or Current Data; support also for Parameter Identifier (PIDs): 0x00...0x60, 0x70, 0x80, 0x8D sub-functions
* OBD2-Service 0x02: Read Freeze Frame Data, supports PIDs as for Service 0x01
* OBD2-Service 0x03: Read confirmed Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)
* OBD2-Service 0x04: Clear DTCs, stored values, MIL status, OBD2 monitor and other data
* OBD2-Service 0x07: Read Pending DTCs
* OBD2-Service 0x09: Read Vehicle Information; support also for (InfoTypes): 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B
* OBD2-Service 0x0A: Read permanent DTCs
* OBD2-Service 0x01: Read Live or Current Data; support also for Parameter Identifier (PIDs): 0x00...0x60, 0x70, 0x80, 0x8D sub-functions
* OBD2-Service 0x02: Read Freeze Frame Data, supports PIDs as for Service 0x01
* OBD2-Service 0x03: Read confirmed Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)
* OBD2-Service 0x04: Clear DTCs, stored values, MIL status, OBD2 monitor and other data
* OBD2-Service 0x07: Read Pending DTCs
* OBD2-Service 0x09: Read Vehicle Information; support also for (InfoTypes): 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, 0x08, 0x0A, 0x0B
* OBD2-Service 0x0A: Read permanent DTCs
Component list
From the Store
PI-OBD-HAT Module (built and tested), SKU 17944
Official 7”- Raspberry Pi touchscreen, SKU 17415
Raspberry Pi 3, SKU 17631
PI-OBD-HAT Module (built and tested), SKU 17944
Official 7”- Raspberry Pi touchscreen, SKU 17415
Raspberry Pi 3, SKU 17631
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