Connected Cocktail Machine
Grand Prize winner of the Elektor/Espressif ESP32 contest
Component list
Components List
Electronics board
R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9, R10,R11,R12,R13,R14,R15,R16,R17 = 10kΩ, SMD 0402
C1,C9,C10 = 47µF, electrolytic, SMD
C2 = 1µF, SMD 0402
C3, C11 = 10µF, polarised, SMD 0805
C4 = 100nF, SMD 0402
C5,C6,C7,C8 = 100nF, SMD 0603
U1 = LM3940IMP (SOT-223)
U2= ESP-WROOM-32 module
U3 = LM78L05 (TO-92)
U4 = ULN2803A (DIP18)
IC1,IC2 = A4988 module
J1 = power connector, SMD
P1 = 5-pin pinheader, 0.1” spacing
P2,P4,P5,P7,P16,P17,P19,P20,P22,P23 = 3-way pin header, 0.1” spacing
P3,P6,P18 = 4-pin pinheader, 0.1” spacing
P8,P9,P10,P12,P13,P14,P15 = 2-pin pinheader, 0.1” spacing
P11 = 6-pin pinheader, 0.1” spacing
P21 = 8-pin pinheader, 0.1” spacing
S1 = pushbutton
2 pcs end of travel sensor (Microswitch with actuator)
3 pcs stepper motor
3 pcs water pump
Power adapter, 12VDC, 5A out
Mechanical structure
Linear bearings
Ball wheel
Aluminium rods
Transport belt or chain
Bottle holders with tot measures (×7)
Worm (threaded rod)
Motor adapter, 5mm to 8mm
Metal 90° right-angle brackets (×8)
And… some bottles of alcohol (to be consumed in moderation. Abuse of alcohol is dangerous for your health.)
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