EER Monthly May 2013
EER Monthly May 2013
During April EER travelled through the world. In our story ‘Towards a future-proof energy system for The Netherlands’ by Gert van Wijland, you can read how the benevolent possession of a huge volume of natural gas is not per se stimulating a progressive transition towards the input of renewable energy sources. An in-depth research led to the conclusion that the Dutch have to accelerate to reach the EUtargets. That will not be easy in harsh economic times. Reiner Gatermann put together the facts concerning the difficult position in which the Swedish company Vattenfall has ended up. The title of his article is a possible indication of one of the main causes: Vattenfall - is the state the right and good owner? Of course, between the lines one can read that such a question also can be applied to similar relations in other countries...
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