EER Yearbook 2013
EER Yearbook 2013
The slow-moving energy beast
The major energy “force” that is currently at work in the world is the increasing impact of unconventional oil and gas on global energy markets. That’s what BP’s Group Chief Economist Christof Rühl explained to EER back in February 2013. “We were one of the first to identify the importance of unconventionals in the US. This revolution is now going global”, says Rühl. “It will have a huge impact on how the energy world will look in 2030.” And the essential point of all this is that it has been the result of market forces and not so much resource availability that changes the nature of supplies, Rühl claims.
Looking at the headlines in the energy news over 2013, BP’s Energy Outlook 2030 seems to be spot-on. Several of European Energy Review’s main features that you will find in our Yearbook underpin this. In addition to these main features illustrating “the slow movements of the energy beast”, our regular correspondents offer you their personal energy outlook for 2014.
The Ebook EER Yearbook 2013 is available for download (save to your local hard drive or open with pdf-reader). Please follow the link below.
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