Smartphone Thermal Imager

A smartphone add-on from Seek Thermal turns your smartphone into a thermal imaging camera. Retailing at $199 the Seek comes in two flavors; one plugs into the lower micro USB connector of an Android device and the other connects to Apple devices running iOS 7.0 or above, which is optimized for the iPhone and iPod touch. At its relatively low price it makes it possible to view temperature gradients and show real-time temperature values on screen that could only previously have been seen with the help of expensive thermal imaging equipment.
This add-on no doubt has lots of uses around the home, some that immediately spring to mind include checking out the effectiveness of home insulation, identifying sources of heat loss and silted up radiators to searching for pets or other warm-bodied creatures at night but this is the sort of detector that, with familiarization, would become even more useful. Early problems with certification for the Seek camera Apple version have recently been ironed out and both versions are now available in the US and Canada, European availability to follow.
Key Features:
- True thermal sensor
- Resolution: 206 x 156 array
- 32,136 Thermal pixels
- 12 µ Pixel pitch
- Vanadium Oxide microbolometer
- Chalcogenide lens
- 36º Field of view
- Magnesium housing
- Long wave infrared 7.2 – 13 Microns
- -40ºC to 330ºC Detection range
Click here for more information from Seek Thermal.
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