Compact Tube Amplifier [130385-I]
By Michiel Ter Burg See also The goal was not to build a super Hi-Fi amplifier, but to see if it would be possible to build a reasonable amplifier using standard transformers.
By Michiel Ter Burg
See also
The goal was not to build a super Hi-Fi amplifier, but to see if it would be possible to build a reasonable amplifier using standard transformers. This turned out to be feasible.
The sound on different drivers (irrespective of impedance) is as expected from a tube amplifier: detailed by low output volume and smoothly overdriven for large input signals. Although the measured bandwidth was a little disappointing, the overal sound quality is sufficient.
It all fits on a single-sided PCB of 90 by 83 mm with 7 wire bridges, however it is worth the trouble to design a double-sided PCB for the amp.
Discussion (1 comment)
TonGiesberts 11 years ago
Heatsink for IC1 30 K/W (Fischer Elektronik SK 12 SA 32)
F2 = 750 mA/T plus fuse holder
130385-compacte-buizenversterker-schematic-v110.jpg (1236kb)
130385-2-voeding-compacte-buizenversterker-schematic-v110.jpg (997kb)
Topoverlay of the PCB of the amplifier (130385-1 v1.1) (59kb)
Top copper and bottom copper of the PCB (130385-1 v1.1) (40kb)
Measurents of our prototype (23kb)
kay 10 years ago
oberwolf 10 years ago