Contribute to the PSoCaMorph project and win a PSoC 5 Development Kit!

Remember the famous Elektor Formant, the modular analog music synthesizer that we published in the late seventies? It immediately became a huge success, and even today many music enthusiasts like to play with this now classic “analog beast”. At Elektor we often receive request for a project similar to the Formant, but modernized with easy-to-find parts and digital precision. Now the time has come to fulfill this wish thanks to the PSoCaMorph project started on Elektor Projects. The PSoCaMorph is a concept for a modular analog synthesizer based on programmable system-on-chip (PSoC) technology from Cypress.
Many synthesizer connoisseurs consider the filter the most important part of an analog synthesizer, that’s why PSoCaMorph's lead-designer and world-renowned filter specialist Kendall Castor-Perry chose it to be the starting point for the project. Current PSoC technology allows the construction of high-quality reproducible analog subtractive filters and Kendall shows how to do it. He already published several detailed articles on the PSoCaMorph on the Projects website, so quickly head over and join in.
Kendall would like you to contribute to the PSoCaMorph, discuss technical details, give suggestions, propose ideas and design circuits. Therefore we decided to give away for free at no cost at all and without asking any money for it twenty (20!) PSoC 5 Development Kits to the most active and/or useful contributors! This is the very same kit that Kendall uses to develop the synthesizer. All you have to do is join Kendall at the PSoCaMorph project and be useful.
Contribute to the PSoCaMorph project and win a PSoC 5 Development Kit!
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