Easy scrolling LED message board with mbed
December 03, 2015

After buying an LED panel with 32 x 64 two-color pixels (that is a total of 4096 LEDs!) I wanted to make some sort of message board out of it, but I was not sure what would be the easiest way. And then suddenly it struck me: why not use an mbed module? The mbed module would offer me programming in C/C++ and a USB file system that would be perfect for storing message files written on a PC. mbed is for fast prototyping and this would be a nice project to see if mbed’s promises would hold true.
Although the LED panel is supposed to run from 5 V and an mbed module from 3V3, studying the LED panel’s PCB revealed that it was built with HC logic only and so it should be possible to run it from 3V3. That was one problem out of the way, no level shifters needed, and I hooked up the mbed to the LED panel with just 12 wires. Note that the mbed module itself is powered from the USB port.
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Although the LED panel is supposed to run from 5 V and an mbed module from 3V3, studying the LED panel’s PCB revealed that it was built with HC logic only and so it should be possible to run it from 3V3. That was one problem out of the way, no level shifters needed, and I hooked up the mbed to the LED panel with just 12 wires. Note that the mbed module itself is powered from the USB port.
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