Electronic retrofit CNC - integration ZZero Z axis high active probe

A friend asked me to help him with the electronic retrofit of its new/old purchased CNC from company Wabeco, model F1210. The project shared here in Elektor Lab is a small circuit dedicated to power distribution and supporting a module called ZZero, which is an active detection probe for the high Z axis measurement. The project describes the schematic, PCB and Software development for PIC12F683 powered by GCBASIC.
A friend asked me to help him with the electronic retrofit of its new/old purchased CNC from company Wabeco, model F1210.
The original electronic command card was build up for parallel port and particular software command. My friend want to use Mach3 with a laptop, as he also uses the same software to control his other CNC portal. Mach3 was basically also developed with parallel port driver, but the used laptop have only USB ports and Ethernet port. On the market several options exist to solve this. My friend wanted an economic one, so, I found a cheaper USB driver card. Additionally, adding the stepper motor drivers, and the new electronic enabled the retrofit!
At the end, only the power supply, the box, the cables and motor connectors stay left. The original electronic card including parallel port and motor drivers was replaced.
The project here describes the small PCB I developed to distribute the different required power lines.
The PCB supports also an active detection probe used to defines the Z axis tool high to material.
I created that probe many years ago based on microcontroller Microchip PIC12F683 using a falling edge detection interrupt to drive output signalization port, visual and audible information and alerting.
Initial source code was developed with MikroBasic. Couple years ago, I learned about GCBASIC, so, I transcript the code last year to GCBASIC. For that projet, I reused the same code, and add a functionality to alert after 4 hours powered on (my friend asked for 4 hours, but in the code you can set what ever you want) to prevent and alert that the CNC is stay powered on during the night or weekend !
You can find in the attachements the schematic and PCB in KiCad format, as well the source code in version 1.2 in GCBASIC for Microchip microcontroller PIC12F683.
Following GCBASIC community GitHub documentation page gives you more information about the probe idea:
The probe electronic contains some parts to protect the entry of the microcontroller and a through hole transistor mounted as open collector as output to connect with USB controller card.
The source file is fully documented, so you can learn how the probe is working by reading the code.
Discussion (1 comment)
EN0160301ID 2 months ago
Fab 2 months ago
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