The first book in the new Elektor LabWorX collection, Mastering the I²C Bus, takes you on a journey of discovery in the world of the I²C bus and its uses. Along with the bus protocol, considerable attention is devoted to practical applications and designing a solid system. The most common I²C compatible chip classes are covered in detail. Two prototyping boards are available for rapid prototype development. They are complemented by a USB to I²C probe and a software framework for controlling I²C devices from your computer. All example programs can be downloaded from the LabWorX support page.


LabWorX is a collection of books devoted to specific topics in the field of electronics. Each volume condenses all the information, applications and notes accumulated during hands-on work with the technology concerned, all in one book. Along with the basics of the technology, they include in-depth examples and applications as well as troubleshooting tips to help you if your first implantation doesn’t work. Some of the books have optional circuit boards that let you try out the ideas described in the book. Additionally, a website provides updates and example program code if applicable.


Other titles in the collection (to be published later) are: Surface Mount Devices; USB Interfaces; Ethernet Interfaces; SPI Bus; Power Supplies; PIC Processors; AVR Processors; ARM Processors; Cortex Processors; FPGAs (and more!).


Note: Elektor subscribers can  benefit from a special limited-time offer: a 13% discount on the regular price of Mastering the  I²C Bus plus free shipping and handling. What’s more,  if you order other Elektor products at the same time, you receive free shipping on the entire order.