embedded world: Rutronik with new booth location: hall 4A, booth 148
February 20, 2020

Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH changed its location at embedded world 2020 (25.-27.2.2020, Nuremberg). The distributor is not in hall 5, 467 as announced, but in hall 4A, 148.
After several companies have cancelled their attendance, NürnbergMesse decided to close hall 5. Thus, also Rutronik had to move. The Rutronik Event Truck will be standing in hall 4A, stand 148. With this announcement, Rutronik confirms its intention to take part at the trade fair under the given circumstances.
After several companies have cancelled their attendance, NürnbergMesse decided to close hall 5. Thus, also Rutronik had to move. The Rutronik Event Truck will be standing in hall 4A, stand 148. With this announcement, Rutronik confirms its intention to take part at the trade fair under the given circumstances.
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