Free article download: Automation Meets IT with CDP Studio
June 28, 2018

Edge Computing is a term denoting flexible processing power closer to and with more direct impact on the actual machines and sensors. Industry 4.0, IIoT, new intelligent sensors and data volume, have contributed to an increasing overlap between industrial IT on the one hand and industrial automation on the other.
Being able to develop effective solutions on anything from small Linux-based controllers to full-blown industrial servers is now more important than ever; it’s where automation meets IT!
In his article Automation Meets IT with CDP Studio, Odd Gilinsky of CDP Technologies provides an easy introduction to building fast, distributed control systems on industrial computers. The article was previously published in Elektor Business Edition issue 2/2018, and is now offered as a free download to all Elektor e-zine readers, simply click on the Download Attachment button below.
Being able to develop effective solutions on anything from small Linux-based controllers to full-blown industrial servers is now more important than ever; it’s where automation meets IT!
In his article Automation Meets IT with CDP Studio, Odd Gilinsky of CDP Technologies provides an easy introduction to building fast, distributed control systems on industrial computers. The article was previously published in Elektor Business Edition issue 2/2018, and is now offered as a free download to all Elektor e-zine readers, simply click on the Download Attachment button below.
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Discussion (1 comment)
Altamir GF Silva 6 years ago
To the security of all of this projects and "products" in the Open Source "new ages hardwares" consider uses the purple or pink chips to cypher some controls that can be explored with ilegal trade-offs in the non democratic world too such as social enginering and industrial spy knowledgedbases...
It is a great choices to new economy with much minus monopoly!
Congratulaions for this tools and the other democratic platforms of better life stiles!