Get Started with the ESP32 Microcontroller
February 11, 2021
The ESP32 microcontroller from Shanghai-based manufacturer Espressif is a very popular device amongst makers and electronics hobbyists, but also in the industry. This is understandable as this big brother of the also popular ESP8266 is an inexpensive yet powerful device with built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and much more that costs only a few euros. Let's take a closer look at the ESP32 microcontroller.
In the following video posted at Elektor.TV ("How to Get Started with the EPS32"), you will learn how to get started with the ESP32 microcontroller. Four options are presented:
Get Started with the ESP32 Microcontroller
The wireless capabilities of the ESP32 are what its users will mention first, but it has much more than that. The device comes with many peripherals like SPI, I2C and UART, but also CAN, which is called TWAI (Two-Wire Automotive Interface). It has LED and motor control support, PWM, I2S for audio, analogue in- and outputs, infrared remote control, timers and counters, Ethernet, SDIO for memory cards, touch sensing support and it even has a built-in a Hall effect magnetic field sensor.In the following video posted at Elektor.TV ("How to Get Started with the EPS32"), you will learn how to get started with the ESP32 microcontroller. Four options are presented:
- MicroPython
- AT Commands
- Arduino IDE
Additional ESP32 Resources
Do you want to learn more about the ESP32 microcontroller and possible uses? You are in luck. Check out the following helpful resources.- Elektor sells Dogan Ibrahim's in-depth book The Complete ESP32 Projects Guide, which is packed full of fun and informative projects. "In addition to all the ESP8266 features, the ESP32 provides bluetooth communications capability, larger SRAM data memory, more GPIOs, more interface signals, touch sensor, temperature sensor, higher CPU speed, CAN bus connectivity, higher resolution ADC converters, DAC converters, and security features," Ibrahim writes.

- The “Elektor ESP32 Smart Kit Bundle” that contains this book together with a kit of parts which includes an ESP32 module, so this is great to get started.
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