Elektor is all about sharing ideas. Since the 1960s, we’ve been working to nurture the electrical engineering community with projects and design inspiration. Today, we publish in four languages, and we use our social media channels to support and collaborate with our members.
Elektor is all about collaboration and sharing ideas. Since the 1960s, we’ve been working to nurture the electrical engineering community with electronics projects, engineering insights, technical tutorials, and design inspiration. Today, we publish in four languages (English, German, Dutch, and French), and each month we work hard to gain new members — professional engineers, electronics makers, and technical students — from around the globe. Besides using our well-known magazines — Elektor (EN/DE/NL/FR), Elektor Industry (EN/DE/NL), MagPi (FR/NL), and Make: (NL) — we use the Elektor social media channels to support and collaborate with our members.
According to Hootsuite, 3.8 billion people use social media. As for using social media platforms specifically for electronics-related discussions, our marketing team recently found that 40% of Elektor members regularly use social media to keep track of electronics-related news, learn about new products, and to share projects and experiences. And the team believes our social reach will continue to grow, as we engage new audiences, attract more students, and educate existing members about all the benefits of communicating with like-minded innovators via any number of social media platforms.
Elektor Social Media Channels
There are dozens of active major social network sites. But it doesn’t make sense to be everywhere, so we focus our efforts to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Want to know what we’re doing on each channel? Read on.
Facebook: Our members use Facebook mainly for updates (DIY projects, news, products, and offers) and to interact with our teams (editorial, engineering, and customer service). We currently have 43,000+ followers on the platform. Choose your language!
Use Facebook to interact with our team, read articles, and more.
Instagram: Instagram is an excellent platform for sharing images and thoughts about products and design projects. When our team posts to Instagram, we try to highlight a project, a useful product, or a member of our community (say, an engineer’s workspace). Although post mostly in English, all members of our community find the content useful and engaging.
Our Instagram account is for fun posts as well as new product updates!
YouTube: During the past several months, we’ve really put a lot of effort into the content we post on the Elektor TV YouTube channel. Thanks to our Technical Manager, Clemens Valens, we are posting a few videos per month. Recently, Clemens created videos on topics such as optimizing IoT power consumption; home automation; mousejacking; and how to publish on GitHub. We also publish details product reviews, interviews, and tutorials (e.g., Modern Valve Electronics). Subscribe today so you don't miss a new video!
Clemens Valens posts reviews, interviews, and tutorials on Elektor's YouTube channel.
Twitter: Well over 10,000 followers use Elektor’s Twitter channels short updates on projects, new products, and special offers. It’s also a great tool for messaging our editorial, engineering, and customer service teams. Want to publish an article in Elektor? Want to share details about your workspace? Want to sell a product in the Elektor webshop? Reach out on Twitter in the language of your choice.
Follow us for regular news items, DIY projects, webshop updates, and more!
LinkedIn: Over the past few months, we’ve received quite a bit of messages through LinkedIn. Some Eletktor members follow the Elektor International Media account. Other are connected with individual Elektor members. One thing is for sure: LinkedIn is a great tool for showcasing your engineering skills and learning about new industry opportunities. Whether you are looking for a new job or interested in networking, we recommend that you follow our corporate account (and our staffers) and check in frequently.
Use LinkedIn to learn about electronics-related events and projects. Chat with our Client Team!
Ready to Get Social?
We encourage all our community members to follow at least one Elektor social media account. We share much more than just updates about Elektor magazine. We post DIY projects, technical tips, need-to-know electronics industry news, interviews with top engineers, new product announcements, special offers, and fun tidbits to make electronics enthusiasts smile. Whether you need a project idea, want to learn about a new microcontroller, or have technical question, we've got you covered.
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