Hot Product: The Elektor Archive USB Stick (1974-2022)

Take the Elektor Archive With You
The easy-to-search Elektor Archive USB stick (32 GB, USB 3.0) contains all the back issues from 1974 to 2022 in PDF format. The 10,000-plus articles are classified by date of publication (month/year), and a helpful index enables you to search the entire USB stick. Whether you are a professional engineer or a weekend maker, the archive is sure to be a valuable source of inspiration.Which Subjects Do We Cover?
Elektor editors and in-house engineers have always prided themselves on covering a wide range of topics, circuits, and design projects. Each issue includes in-depth articles, tutorials, and handy circuits for an enthusiastic audience comprising professional engineers, makers, academics, and technically inclined students.
Subject areas include: audio/video, computers, microcontrollers, home automation, power supplies, test and measurement, software, analog techniques, wireless applications, and many others. Below are some example articles from previous editions of Elektor. With the Elektor Archive USB stick, you can access these articles and more.
- "Junior Computer," Elektor May 1980.
- "Microcontroller BootCamp," Parts 1-7, Elektor 2014.
- "ESP32 Weather Station: Reading Sensor Data Online," Elektor Jan/Feb 2019.
- "LoRa with the Raspberry Pi Pico," Elektor July/August 2021.
- "Your First Steps with an ESP32-C3 and the IoT," Elektor May/June 2022.

- "Electronic Loudspeaker," Elektor Dec 1974.
- "Formant, The Elektor Music Synthesizer," Elektor May 1977.
- "SAME: Chip-8 Video Games Emulator Single Arcade Machine Emulator: A Virtual achine on a PSoC," Elektor July/Aug 2014.
- "Imaging and Video-Streaming with a Raspberry Pi 4," Elektor Sep/Oct 2021.

- "RF Attenuators: Including Some You Build Yourself," Elektor Feb 1993.
- "RF Probe," Elektor Dec 2002.
- "I-Q: a Highly Intelligent Approach to Quality Radio," Elektor Feb 2007.
- "ESP8266 for Model Control: Simple, Low-Cost Control via Smartphone," Elektor Nov/Dec 2018.
- "Making PCBs with Your 3D Printer," Elektor Jan/Feb 2019.
RF probe
- "Random lights controller," Elektor July 1986.
- "Reliable Wireless Data Transfer: Pascal Library for the RFM12 Radio Module," Elektor March/April 2016.
- "Home Automation Made Easy: With ESPHome, Home Assistant & MySensors," Elektor Sep/Oct 2020.
- "From Ding-Dong Door Chime to IoT Doorbell," Elektor Nov 2020.
Connected doorbell system
- "Universal Power Supply," Elektor April 1981.
- "Simple Symmetrical Power Supply," Elektor Dec 1992.
- "Rechargeable Battery Checker: Measure Capacity by Controlled Discharge," Elektor Jan/Feb 2013.
- "RF Power Meter," Elektor March/April 2018.
- "Power Outage Detector with Text Messaging," Elektor Sep/Oct 2018.
- "Measuring Power Inductors," Elektor Summer Circuits 2022.
Power outage detector with text messaging
- "Digital Capacitance Meter with 555 Timer," Elektor July/Aug 1977.
- "Function Generator: Made-to-Measure Waveforms," Elektor Dec 1984.
- "RF Test Generator: A 'Mini Test Generator' for the 2 m, 70 cm and 23 cm Wave Bands," Elektor Oct 1981.
- "New LCR Meter: 50 Hz - 2 MHz," Elektor Nov/Dec 2020.
- "Fortissimo-100 High-End Amplifier," Elektor Nov/Dec 2022.
Function generator from 1984
- "Software for the BBC Computer: The META assembler," Elektor Sep 1986.
- "Artificial Intelligence," Elektor May 1988.
- "MicroPython and the pyboard: From Blinking LED to Webserver Blinking an LED," Elektor July/Aug 2017.
- "Traffic Lights Programmed in PIC Assembly Code," Elektor July/Aug 2020.
- "The Future of Machine Learning," Elektor Nov/Dec 2020.
Traffic lights programmed in PIC Assembly code
- "Robot with Reflexes," Elektor July/Aug 1979.
- "Energy-Saving Motor Control," Elektor Nov 1980.
- "Elektor Proton Robot: A Versatile Platform for Learning and Experimenting," Elektor May 2011.
- "'Wolverine' CNC Gantry Robot," Elektor March/April 2019.
- "Driving Motors with H-Bridges: An Introduction to DC, Stepper, and Brushless Motors," Elektor Jan/Feb 2022.
The Elektor Proton Robot
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