Less switching losses: Energy efficient SiC-MOSFETs of Rohm at Rutronik

Six Silicon Carbide MOSFETs with trench gate structure (650V / 1200V) build the SCT3xxx xR series of Rohm. The product range comes with a 4-pin package (TO-247-4L) maximizing switching performances and reducing switching losses by up to 35% over conventional 3-pin package types (TO-247N). The SiC-MOSFETs are especially suitable for the energy efficient use in server power supplies, UPS systems, solar power inverters and EV charging stations. They are available at Rutronik.
By using the TO-247-4L package the driver and current source pins are separated, thus minimizing the effects of the parasitic inductance component. This contributes to a measurably lower power consumption, what is particularly interesting for high-performance applications where an uninterruptible power supply have to be provided. Especially with the growing demand for cloud services due to the advance of AI and IoT, data centers face the challenge of reducing power consumption while capacity and performance increase simultaneously.
The matching evaluation board (P02SCT3040KR-EVK-001) is equipped with gate driver ICs (BM6101FV-C), optimized for driving SiC devices. Multiple power supply ICs and discrete components facilitate application evaluation and development. Compatibility with both package types (TO-247-4L and TO-247N) allows evaluation under the same conditions. The board can be used for double pulse testing and component evaluation in boost circuits, 2-level inverters and synchronous rectification buck circuits.
For more information about Rohm‘s new SiC-MOSFETs and a direct ordering option, please visit our e-commerce platform.
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