Lost Words (1)

Graphic artist and designer 'Jaap' was for many years a familiar name to readers of Elektor and especially ELEX, the magazine for novice electronics engineers and young people interested in electronics. He provided many issues with a marvelous pen drawing. During a move of our graphics studio we came across these exquisite, original cartoons and we like them so much that we would like to put them in the spotlight once again. And that's what we're doing this summer!
That is why we will highlight one of those fabulous cartoons each week over the next few months. Of course, the original speech balloons were often not entirely relevant any more and we therefore ask you for your help!

Help us by making the most amusing suggestion for the missing caption for this cartoon and have a chance of winning 25 euros/pounds/dollars to spend in our Elektor Store.
Just making a comment using the Add Comment button below is sufficient. Some light-hearted amusement over some great piece of work!
Discussion (5 comments)
David Ashton 7 years ago
Right: "You don't have to shout, even if I'm only a crystal set!"
JOHN REHWINKEL 7 years ago
Bottom: "I just invented a new `selfie' function!"
rejean 7 years ago
Right : The elektor July, stop. Is on store, stop. Go take one, stop.
Anders Papsø Laursen 7 years ago
Urmaz 7 years ago
Bottom: "Testen von Google Sender. Zu Ende."