Network Connected Signal Analyzer [150211]

This project is about a single-channel signal analyzer and signal generator controlled over an Ethernet connection. The application(s) run on a PC. The board contains some signal conditioning circuitry and a dsPIC33 plus a Wiznet Wiz550io Ethernet module. It is a kind of simple Red Pitaya, not running Linux and without FPGA programming.
New Software
A revision of this project was published in the May 2017 edition of Elektor (NCSA II, project nr. 160362). Updated software for this project can be found at GitHub, more details are here. Make sure to read all the comments and project updates, there is a lot of useful information.
Links & Resources
Version 1
- Network Connected Signal Analyzer, Part 1
- Network Connected Signal Analyzer, Part 2
- First Version at Elektor Labs
Version 2
Original Text Starts Here
This project is about a single-channel signal analyzer and signal generator controlled over an Ethernet connection. The application(s) run on a PC. The board contains some signal conditioning circuitry and a dsPIC33 plus a Wiznet Wiz550io Ethernet module. It is a kind of simple Red Pitaya, not running Linux and without FPGA programming.
After building a prototype which allowed us to validate the project we decided to make it cheaper. The prototype uses a through-hole version of the dsPIC33 and the Wiznet module unfortunately has changed shape since the design of our prototype PCB. To make things cheaper we opted for an all-SMT design with the Ethernet driver on board. Since then several PCB designs have seen the light one of which will be developed further.
Update 9/11/2015
The project has been finished successfully. The digitizer works as expected and the PC software is great. The project is scheduled for publication in the March 2016 edition.
Discussion (3 comments)
Christian Kaak 3 years ago
ElektorLabs 3 years ago
This project has had an important software revision, the details can be found at This page also has a lot of information hiding in the comments and updates.
Christian Kaak 3 years ago
Wie heißt der Aufruf ?
Electroremy 8 years ago
Indeed, I’ve purchased a Network Connected Signal Analyzer (NCSA) from the Elektor shop but I was not very happy about the card, the case and the software.
The NCSA is useful with its noise generator on the output and its input with spectrum analyzer software. You can use it to get the frequency and phase response of a HiFi device (amplifier, filters, …)
But the NCSA needs some extra features, both on the card and on the software.
On the card:
- Overvoltage protection on the input (we just need two 2N4148 and one resistor… it’s too bad that this feature is not included on the PCB)
- Gain attenuator on the input
- Peak level LED indicator (LED will light on when input signal is too strong, causing ADC saturation) ; this peak LED should be very useful to adjust gain
- AC/DC switch on input (like scope input panels)
- Amplifier for output, with adjustable level and adjustable offset
- Also, a low-noise power supply for the card and the new features below ; because USB +5V and other phone supply are very poor quality supplies…
On the software:
- Zoom on Y axis (that is to say, on the input voltage and the dB scales)
- More than 10 averages
- Function that can make a comparison between to spectrum, the first when input is backlooped on the output with noise generator, the second when the input and the output whit noise generator are connected to a device that we want to know frequency and phase response ; the result of the comparison will be the precise know frequency and phase response.
NB: the plastic with case sold with the NCSA was not appropriate at all: Reset button, loopback function, LEDs, connectors are not accessible when the card is in the case ! Thus, the card was not designed to fits in a case; indeed, all user-interface devices should be placed on the borders of the card and not on the middle!
NB: The, and IP make problems because I cannot plug the NCSA on my internet box (internet box have 192.168.123.XXX IP range). It will be very better if the NCSA have DHCP IP option!
To conclude: NCSA was a good idea but the product sold is not achieved. Also this is not a “ready-to-use” product.
Christian Kaak 3 years ago
There must ashort illustration how to install and start the PC Program.
I am frustated.
Ralf Wieland 8 years ago
For an open source project I miss some infos, like the protocol between the hardware and the PC. I have had to analyse the code, not very complicated but it would be better to have it as a txt file. I miss the dhcp option too, this is really ennoying. For me is the connection over tcp/ip very interesting. I would like to use it with Python on a Linux PC. Python has all the needed libraries included (FFT etc) and can handle the network transfer easily. Such a Python interface would enlarge the application and makes it useful for me. I will open the code via github after my holday. Maybe this application is useful for somebody else.
One wish for your software development, please use an GUI which is available for all operating systems like QT. I like Linux and it would be a great help to have your interface available too.
Kind regards,