New Book: Programming with STM32 Nucleo Boards
June 18, 2018

STM32 Nucleo family of processors are manufactured by STMicroelectronics. These are lowcost ARM microcontroller development boards. The new book Programming with STM32 Nucleo Boards is about developing projects using the Nucleo board.
In the early Chapters of the book the architecture of the Nucleo family is briefly described. Software development tools that can be used with the Nucleo boards such as the Mbed, Keil MDK, IAR EWARM, TrueSTUDIO, and the System Workbench are described briefly in later Chapters.
The book covers many projects using most features of the Nucleo-L476RG development board where the full software listings for Mbed and System Workbench are given for every project. The projects range from simple flashing LEDs to more complex projects using modules and devices such as GPIO, ADC, DAC, I²C, LCD, analog inputs and others. In addition, several projects are given using the Nucleo Expansion Boards, including popular expansion boards such as: solid-state relay, MEMS and environmental sensors, DC motor driver, Wi-Fi, and stepper motor driver. These Expansion Boards plug on top of the Nucleo development boards and simplify the task of project development considerably.
Special Offer
If you order this book before June 30, 2018 (0:00 CEST) you take advantage of a €5 pre-order discount on the regular retail price. You pay only €29.95 (£24.95 | US $32.95)!
Look inside this new book – browse the free 37-page preview here (incl. table of contents).
In the early Chapters of the book the architecture of the Nucleo family is briefly described. Software development tools that can be used with the Nucleo boards such as the Mbed, Keil MDK, IAR EWARM, TrueSTUDIO, and the System Workbench are described briefly in later Chapters.
The book covers many projects using most features of the Nucleo-L476RG development board where the full software listings for Mbed and System Workbench are given for every project. The projects range from simple flashing LEDs to more complex projects using modules and devices such as GPIO, ADC, DAC, I²C, LCD, analog inputs and others. In addition, several projects are given using the Nucleo Expansion Boards, including popular expansion boards such as: solid-state relay, MEMS and environmental sensors, DC motor driver, Wi-Fi, and stepper motor driver. These Expansion Boards plug on top of the Nucleo development boards and simplify the task of project development considerably.
Special Offer
If you order this book before June 30, 2018 (0:00 CEST) you take advantage of a €5 pre-order discount on the regular retail price. You pay only €29.95 (£24.95 | US $32.95)!
Look inside this new book – browse the free 37-page preview here (incl. table of contents).
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Discussion (4 comments)
Livio Scola 6 years ago
- il programma TRUESTUDIO 9.0.0 non ha nella configuration TAB la voce GPIO
- Nell'esempio riportato si utilizza il progetto led2 ma poi si compila e si usa solo quello usato con
STM32CubeMX (progetto led)
- La figura 5.30 è diversa e non compare la cartella src
- Il sistema non si compila perchè manca la definizione di GPIO_PIN_SET
Perchè l'utente acquista il libro? Perchè non sa e si aspetta che all'inizio il sistema non abbia
problemi (mancano collegamenti, librerie ecc). Una volta familiarizzatosi affronterà casi
più complessi. CONCLUSIONE: sembra fatto con un'altra versione di TRUESTUDIO ma perchè
non dirlo nell'introduzione. Per ora un pessimo acquisto.
I have carried out the first project step by step but:
- the TRUESTUDIO 9.0.0 program does not have the GPIO entry in the TAB configuration
- In the example shown we use the project led2 but then we compile and use only the one used
with STM32CubeMX (led project)
- Figure 5.30 is different and the src folder does not appear
- The system is not compiled because the definition of GPIO_PIN_SET is missing
Why does the user purchase the book? Because he does not know and expects that at the beginning the system does not have problems (lack of links, libraries, etc.). Once familiarized, he will deal with cases more complex. CONCLUSION: it seems done with another version of TRUESTUDIO but because do not say it in the introduction. For now a bad purchase.
dogan 6 years ago
#include "main.h"
#include "stm32l4xx_hal.h"
If you still have problems plese send me your project files and I can check them for you.
Livio Scola 6 years ago
Non creo un nuovo progetto in TrueStudio (es, led2 pag.93) ma eseguo
File->Open Project from file system, seleziono la cartella e tutto funziona. Funzionano così anche gli altri esempi adattati a TrueStudio.
I have executed the instructions on page 93 but doing so we have two projects with only one main.c and the one generated by STM32CubeMx is not used; therefore, all initialization is missing. I solved the problem like this:
I do not create a new project in TrueStudio (eg, led2 pag.93) but I do it
File-> Open Project from file system, select the folder and everything works. The other examples adapted to TrueStudio also work.
JacquesBBB 6 years ago
In addition, you have a compilation of projects that could be put in any microcontroller textbook.
Waste of time and money.
A much better book is "Mastering STM32" from Carmine Noviello, available on Leanpub.