NexDock – the success story continues
March 03, 2017

Last year the first NexDock appeared in the marketplace – a laptop-lookalike or lapdock with a 14“ display and a Bluetooth keyboard that you could use to transform your smartphone, tablet, mini-PC or even a Raspberry Pi into a laptop of sorts. Despite some initial problems (the power supply, among other things, and the absence of a USB type-C connection), the device has been (and not undeservedly) well received in the technical media – the idea behind it could even be considered brilliant. And the financing via crowdfunding proved that good ideas don't have to die because of lack of money.
The manufacturers of the NexDock have now announced the second generation of the lapdock, for release around the middle of 2017: in addition to an ergonomic design and all the interface connections of the first version, this version 2 will offer space for two swappable USB type-C modules and above all (just like the first docking station) have a slot for the Intel Compute Card (which is also expected to be on the market around the middle of 2017), a PC without peripherals in a credit-card size package that will be available in a range of powerful processors (including the 7th generation Intel Core vPro). Exciting times are upon us!
The manufacturers of the NexDock have now announced the second generation of the lapdock, for release around the middle of 2017: in addition to an ergonomic design and all the interface connections of the first version, this version 2 will offer space for two swappable USB type-C modules and above all (just like the first docking station) have a slot for the Intel Compute Card (which is also expected to be on the market around the middle of 2017), a PC without peripherals in a credit-card size package that will be available in a range of powerful processors (including the 7th generation Intel Core vPro). Exciting times are upon us!
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