Company Description:

Pozi provides full visibility in manufacturing and logistics, identifies and eliminates lean waste throughout the entire supply chain, helping increase efficiency of various processes by up to 25-30%.
Its patented technology includes hardware, software, algorithms, firmware and interfaces, all organized into an open IoT platform to cover the entire manufacturing value chain, from supplier to customer.

Video Pitch:




Year Founded 


Company Phase

Expansion Phase

Please specify in what phase you are! 

After several key contracts in Hungary Pozi is now ready to take its best-in-class technology to international markets. Our first phase of expansion will cover the following regions: DACH, US, CEE.

Number of employees


Existing Sponsors & Partners

Audi, GE, Mondi, Hyundai, Waberer's, T-Systems, TechData

Did you get funding?

Yes, Investors

Investment needed?

Yes, actively looking


V4 Startup Innovation Tour 2017 - Winner
V4 - National Instruments Grand Prize
V4 - Google prize for Innovative Industry 4.0 Solution 2017
Hannover Messe 2018 – Young Tech Enterprises - Finalist
Rheinland Pitch (Germany, 2018) - Finalist
