Review: Siglent SDL1020X Programmable DC Electronic Load
First, the basic possibilities. You can choose between constant current (CC), constant voltage (CV), constant power (CP) or constant resistance (CR). The display always shows the measured voltage, current, power and resistance. There are two current ranges (5/30 A) and two voltage ranges (36/150 V) that are mainly related to measurement accuracy. A separate battery test function allows, among other things, discharging with a fixed current, resistance or power up to a set threshold voltage, whereby the display shows the discharge capacity and power.
Most interesting are the dynamic test possibilities, which are not so easy to realize with simple methods. When the dynamic test function (DYN) is activated, a block-shaped waveform appears on the display. This shows that you can let the instrument switch between two values, where you can set all parameters yourself: the low load value for CC/CV/CR/CP, high value, low time, high time, steepness of both the rising and the falling edge. This is possible up to 25 kHz, which will certainly be sufficient for most tests. The dynamic test can also begin with an external or manual trigger signal.
Using the List and Program functions, the user can compose more complex load forms in a number of steps. This offers extremely powerful possibilities. With the List function (max. 100 steps per waveform) the load type (e.g. constant current) is identical at all steps; with Program (max. 50 steps per waveform) you can also change at each step, e.g. from constant current to constant resistance. With both functions you can enter all parameters per step in a kind of table.
By default all measured values are shown on the display, in dynamic mode the square wave with all set values appears. If you switch to DISPLAY mode, the course of a selected parameter in time is shown graphically.
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