Save money with Elektor package deals

Elektor has put together several packages designed to help you save money while learning more about electronics hands-on. The following packages are currently available:
ARM Microcontrollers Bundle
The ARM Microcontrollers 1 book is ideal for hobbyists, students and engineers who looking for a simple, straightforward way to learn C programming and how to use an mbed ARM microcontroller. The mbed NXP LPC1768 uses cloud technology, so all you need to program it is a Web browser and a USB port on your computer. With the associated starter kit you can get started straight away with the projects described in the book
High-End Valve Amplifier Bundle
High-End Valve Amplifiers 2 by Menno van der Veen provides a systematic approach to the theory and practice of tube amplifiers with the aim of explaining their special qualities, in particular their lively, deep, clear, and expressive sound and apparently unlimited dynamic range.
In the High-End Valve Amplifiers Masterclass on DVD, Menno van der Veen delves into these topics in even more detail, with particular attention to the predictability and perceptibility of the specifications of tube amplifiers. In addition to a total of 3-½ hours of video, the bonus material on the DVD includes the full PowerPoint presentation, overheads, and other published articles.
Audio Collection Bundle
All three volumes of Elektor’s Audio Collection series, featuring over 250 audio circuit designs originally published in Elektor magazine between 1996 and 2008. The articles cover amplifiers, digital audio, loudspeakers, PC audio, and audio test and measurement. Specific highlights include the Titan 2000, Compact Amp, Crescendo Millennium Edition, Audio DAC 2000, Audio ADC 2000, Clarity Dual 300 W Class-T amplifier, digital VU Meter, and paX power amplifier.
Digital Electronics Bundle
This package consists of Experiments with Digital Electronics and a 50-piece starter kit. The book presents fundamental circuits using gates, flip-flops and counters from the CMOS 4000 series, and the starter kit includes the components necessary to build these circuits for learning by doing. Each of the 50 experiments includes a circuit diagram and a detailed illustration of circuit assembly on a solderless breadboard. With the 50-piece starter kit you can get started straight away with the experiments described in the book!
See the link below for an overview of all Elektor Package Deals on offer.
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