Solder SMDs: how to use a heat gun station
May 19, 2016
Soldering SMDs manually isn’t the easiest task, but it is far from impossible. Remember when you started soldering through-hole ICs years back? After the first one, which probably was your most difficult, you rapidly gained experience and became familiar with the art of soldering. The same can happen to you with SMD’s. Provided you have the right equipment like a heat gun soldering station and some clear insights into what should happen and what not, soldering those minuscule components will become an amusing challenge.
The sooner you start practicing, the earlier your new skill might come in handy.
The sooner you start practicing, the earlier your new skill might come in handy.
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Discussion (5 comments)
OldHarry 8 years ago
JohnHind 8 years ago
JohnHind 8 years ago
I agree that this is perfectly possible to do at home - with practice. Problem is that practice is expensive! Unless your eyesight is much better than mine you will also need a good illuminated hands-free magnifying lens and probably also a USB microscope for inspection.
Peter Van Epp 8 years ago
Peter Van Epp 8 years ago
and digikey has one from chip quik pn