Special offer on ARM microcontroller package

The Elektor ARM Microcontroller Package consists of a book (ARM Microcontrollers 1) and a companion starter kit. The package is available at 5% discount compared to the prices of the book and starter kit alone, and orders placed by 11 May 2011 also qualify for free shipping and handling.
ARM Microcontrollers 1 is ideal for hobbyists, students and engineers who want to learn C programming and how to use an embedded ARM microcontroller quickly and easily without any need for cumbersome software installations. It includes example projects such as a blinking light, timer, light-actuated switch, digital thermometer, people detector, USB communication, talking microcontroller, debugging, sound switch, and much more.
The companion starter kit lets you get started straight away with the projects described in the book. It features an NXP LPC1768 mbed microcontroller and utilises cloud technology, a novel concept in software development, which means you do not need to install any software on your PC in order to program the device. All you need is a Web browser and a USB port on your PC. With this approach, you can access and work on your project from any PC anywhere in the world. When you are done, a few simple mouse clicks transfer the program code to your mbed hardware. Of course, if you wish you can also download your projects and save them on your own PC.
The starter kit contains everything you need for the projects, including an NXP LPC1768 mbed board, USB cable, pinout reference card, breadboard, miscellaneous components and hook-up wire.
Act now to take advantage of the special offer!
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