Start-Up Update: Qoitech Looks to Solve Battery Power-Related Problems for Developers
April 13, 2020
Vanja Samuelsson runs Qoitech, a Sweden-based start-up focused on solving battery power-related problems for hardware and software developers working on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. In late February, Elektor interviewed her about the company and its technology, which was on display at Embedded World 2020 in Nuremberg, Germany.

Qoitech's Solution for Developers
Developers seeking tools to measure and analyze batter power typically must choose from expensive traditional options. Qoitech is working to change that by delivering a more affordable and accessible solution. Otii is a hardare and software tool that visualizes what drains battery power, and it helps developers choose the proper baterry for thie applications.Qoitech's compact Otii Arc is a power supply, a current and voltage measurement unit, and a data acquisition module all wrapped up in one portable device. And it comes with handy desktop application for Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu.
"It's all about: How do you battery optimize? How do you make sure your device is really low power? And how do you pick the right battery for your devices?" Samuelsson said of the company's solution, which is an all-in-one tool. "You don't have to have a huge lab. You don't have to have five different tools. You can have a power supply, you can have a monitoring device, you can have a battery emulator all in one."
Interview with Samuelsson at Embedded World
Interested in learning more about Qoitech? Watch the entire interview.Read full article
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