Student team from Delft came second in Hyperloop design competition
February 05, 2016

The space company SpaceX and its founder Elon Musk launched a competition for student teams to explore ideas for the ‘Hyperloop’. The basic assumption made by the team at Technical University Delft, The Netherlands, was to travel at high speed from Amsterdam to Paris in a capsule through a low-pressure tube. Last weekend the 124 teams from 20 countries presented their designs to a jury comprising professors and experts from Tesla and SpaceX. The team from TU Delft conquered second place and only had to let the team from MIT go first. In addition they captured the prize for the most innovative design. With 20 other teams they will proceed to the next phase of the competition, where they will build their 'pod' for real at a scale of 1:2 and then test it this summer on a test track in California.
More information: TUDelft.
More information: TUDelft.
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