Switched 7805 Replacement THT

Hello, my Name is Philip and i am doing a internship at the laboratory of Elektor in Limbricht. When i saw Raymond's 7805 project i was excited about it. So i wanted to make it cheaper and started to creating a through-hole version. The project includes 2 one-sided PCB's. One is an adapter from a 16-QFN to an 8-DIL Footprint. The second PCB contains the rest on a size of 22mm x 24mm.
Hello, my Name is Philip and i am doing a internship at the laboratory of Elektor in Limbricht. When i saw Raymond's 7805 project i was excited about it. So i wanted to make it cheaper and started to creating a through-hole version. The project includes 2 one-sided PCB's. One is an adapter from a 16-QFN to an 8-DIL Footprint. The second PCB contains the rest on a size of 22mm x 24mm. Both Inductors will be mounted from the backside of the other components.
Discussion (5 comments)
petrus bitbyter 11 years ago
Had a look at that TPS62150. Nice chip. But... You can buy a bucket full of ordinary 7805 compared to one TPS62150. If you can afford that money in a design it's highly unlikely you need a drop in for an 7805. So I guess it has been a learning experience but no succes so far. (But don't worry. There are new oppertunities almost every day :)
petrus bitbyter
bikouninou 11 years ago
I want to buy TPS62150 by 10 or more pieces at the better price have you un adress (i dont speak english very well!)
lucdm 11 years ago
P.J. 12 years ago
Günter Gerold 11 years ago
what do you think about using the LM2574HV?
So the Inputvoltage can be up to 60V.
ClemensValens 11 years ago
Nice work Philip, but how about a mounting hole or two? Your module may vibrate unless you glue it to the main board and we don't like glue.
bikouninou 12 years ago