Thermo Book (120629)

This small project is more about design rather than the (relatively simple) electronics.
This small project is more about design rather than the (relatively simple) electronics.
Order from Elektor
PCB, bare, 120481-1
PIC18F14K50-I/P, programmed, 120629-41
This seems like an ordinary bookcase, but on closer inspection one book is the odd one out. It's a "book" with a built-in temperature display.
The fake book contains an integrated thermo-/hydrometer. The "book" itself is made from perspex with a cover glued on.
Hidden between the real books it doesn't stand out too much, but I have found out that once people have discovered it they can't take their eyes off it!
If people are interested I will gladly write a description of the electronics (PIC with Sensirion sensor).
Order from Elektor
PCB, bare, 120481-1
PIC18F14K50-I/P, programmed, 120629-41
Discussion (2 comments)
Raymond_Vermeulen 11 years ago
dscn1587.jpg (695kb)
Firmware (9kb)
120629-1-thermobook-v110-schematic.jpg (1424kb)
Top silk (20kb)
Copperbottom (39kb)
Component list (8kb)
Schematic pdf (18kb)
dscn1781.jpg (1942kb)
ClemensValens 11 years ago
Hi Branchy,
I suppose you display humidity too? Very useful in a library.
When I look at the photo you posted under schematics it seems there is more than just a Sensirion chip. What is that silver cilinder? A microphone?
Hedwig Hennekens 12 years ago
Branchy 12 years ago