Playing around with Arduino is fun as it is inexpensive and easy to learn. However, when the Arduino board must control other electronic devices like relays, motors and LEDs, things get a bit more difficult. How do you turn on a transistor? What is a transistor anyway? What are all these resistors everywhere? Why do I need them? Where do I buy them?

A Bundle of Answers

The Elektor Arduino Electronics Bundle addresses these subjects and more. The Arduino Special included in the bundle not only teaches you how to program an Arduino board, it also explains the basics of electronics. You’ll learn how to create circuit diagrams and what resistors, capacitors, and even op-amps are. The kit contains more than 150 parts to get you started.

You do not need much or expensive equipment for the examples. The circuits are built on a small breadboard, and, if necessary, connected to an Arduino Uno, which you can program on Windows, Linux or MacOS. You will find clear examples of how to build all circuits, ensuring easy and error-free reproduction.


  • Elektor Special: Introduction to Electronics with Arduino
  • A3 pull-out poster with Arduino Uno Pin Diagram
  • Funduino Starter Kit for Arduino Uno R3 board, experimental plug-in board, crocodile clips, cables, LEDs, transistors, diodes, resistor assortment, ICs, 7-segment LED, DC motor and motor drivers, sensors, LC display module, digital multimeter and much more!

Get the Elektor Arduino Electronics Bundle here.