Universal JTAG Programmer / Debug Adapter with several MCU target connections
March 08, 2016

This handy device for ARM/MSP430 is a feature–rich multi–mode programming and debugging adapter for embedded systems. Used with a standard J-Link or MSP-FET programmer, the device offers three options to connect to your target without requiring expensive and/or large headers on the target device. Dual USB-to-serial converters can be used in conjunction with the programmer or standalone.
The board, published in Elektor Magazine (issue 3/2016 on page 75), is available ready manufactured from the Elektor Store.
The board, published in Elektor Magazine (issue 3/2016 on page 75), is available ready manufactured from the Elektor Store.
- J‐Link (ARM) and MSP‐FET (MSP430) programmer connection to three possible target device connectors: Engenuics open‐source 14‐pin JTAG/SWD/Debug connector, Tag‐ Connect TC‐2050‐IDC, and SWD using USB connector
- Dual UART debugging channels via two separate FTDI USB‐to‐serial chips for complete configuration and isolation of channels
- Onboard power regulation with USB or JTAG input to 3.3V LDO
- Optional target power 5V, 3.3V or none via jumper selection
- Onbo...