VDATP - a Volumetric Display using an Acoustically Trapped Particle

This project is a volumetric display that draws images in mid-air, in color.
By using phased arrays of ultrasonic transducers, it is possible to levitate a small 1mm foam ball and move it around at speeds greater than 1m/s. By moving the ball very quickly and leveraging the persistance of vision effect, this project can draw images in mid-air in a volume of 100x100x140mm. RGB LEDs are used to illuminate the foam ball at various points in its path to create multi-color images. 4 FPGAs are used to convert a position into the phased signals needed to drive the transducers. The FPGA can also rotate, translate and scale the images. You can even create animations - see a video for an animation of a butterfly flapping its wings. Kicad schematics and PCB layouts, FPGA code and simulator code are provided as well.
Discussion (3 comments)
weigu 3 years ago
Thanks for this work and for sharing it!
Dan Foisy 3 years ago
Agnivo Banerjee 1 year ago
:-1: error: Unknown module(s) in QT: openglwidgets
:-1: error: [Makefile:243: Makefile] Error 3
weigu 3 years ago
Did I understand correctly in the video that half bridges do not bring any improvement. A transistor would suffice?
Isn't the sound pressure lower with 10V than with 15V (the data sheet tells nothing) and do you have to protect your ears when the unit is running?
Dan Foisy 3 years ago
I do protect my ears - obviously I can't hear 40kHz (and my dog and cats don't seem to mind) but some of the harmonics are in the audible range and are quite piercing. I suspect the ceramic caps are also resonating in the audible range.
weigu 3 years ago
Roel Arits 4 years ago
It makes you wonder if a PID controlled motion and using a motion profile with minimum jerk using a limited acceleration and deceleration would even allow for higher speeds with "heavier" objects.
But it is already complex enough to just move it around.
This is a great demonstration of the power of FPGA's.
Dan Foisy 4 years ago
I've been in touch with the orginal researchers and they have experienced similar distortions. They feel that the transducers don't respond linearly to phase changes and that calibrating the transducer phase response should help remove some of the distortions. I don't quite understand why phase response should act that way but it gives me an excuse to build a robot to calibrate each of the 200 transducers :)
Roel Arits 4 years ago
Probably you will also have some temperature dependency on top of it all.
That is why these projects are great to learn and experiment, which opens the door to new applications.
Cool stuff.
ElektorLabs 4 years ago
Dan Foisy 4 years ago