Due to our agreement, you have received a Media Kit voucher with a value of 15,000 €. 

Here are the rules and terms of this voucher:

  1. The voucher can be applied toward the items listed in Elektor's Media Kit 2021
  2. The voucher is valid until 31st of December 2021.
  3. If your marketing value exceeds the amount of the voucher, you have to pay the difference.
  4. In coordination with an Elektor Client Manager, the voucher can be used toward multiple promotions across the year 2021.

How to use it?

  1. In order to use your voucher have a look into the Media Kit 2021 and choose your marketing and promotional options that you would like to realize with Elektor.
  2. Afterwards, please reach out to busra.kas@elektor.com and submit your request and mention your unique code, which is displayed at the bottom of your media kit voucher. 
  3. Our Client Team can also help you to find a suitable solution and create a promotional package which fits your promotional needs.