Final remarks

Because I hadn’t used one yet, I present my final remarks in the shape of bulleted lists. First some negative points that I hadn’t mentioned before:
  • When you flip the board it is not stable due to the power and SPI connectors; stand-offs are required but not furnished.
  • The power connector is about 10 mm closer to the center of the board than on a Uno R3. Also it is in the center of an edge and not on the side, and it is slightly higher than on a Due. Shields that expect this space to be free may encounter problems.
  • On my board the extension connectors are of unexpected low quality coming from mikroE, making it rather difficult to plug a board on them. I only managed to get a click board on slots D and B. However, once you succeed, they remain easy.

Positive points
  • Up to 4 click extension boards plus, if chosen carefully, an Arduino shield. BTW, mikroE also has an Arduino Uno click shield with two click slots, so you can add even more click boards if you like.
  • Perfect integration in both Arduino and Python (with Zerynth Studio)
  • Nice outline

All in all, retailing at around € 40 the Flip & click is a pretty nice low-cost board for rapid prototyping projects with access to litterally hundreds of extension boards. It allows the creation of all sorts of hardware gadgets without needing a soldering iron even once and without any knowlegde of electronics.