Why a book

One of the reasons for the muddled discussions and urban legends on capacitors is the Internet and its galaxy of “quick & easy” articles on otherwise lengthy and dry subjects. As a further complicating factor, and paradoxically also another “strength” of the Internet, is information scattered all over the place and causing a degree of unrest with the keen factfinder. I already mentioned the properly printed symbols I was happy to see in ABC of Capacitors. Add to that it’s a single source for all theory and physics of the humble capacitor and you may agree that it’s not bad to have everything in a book.


Lacking a chapter on practical applications of different types of capacitors, ABC of Capacitors is limited in “height” but extremely solid as a foundation as well as for your next step: hands-on work. The little book is very well organized, succinct, and brilliantly printed. On your book shelf its width is roughly equal to the diameter of a 1990’s 100-µF / 35V electrolytic capacitor (with poor ESR) so the space is justified. The same for the price of just €9.90 which is justifiable if not totally okay compared with one bad experience of a bunch of leaky capacitors with dubious performance out of the box, ordered from China.

ABC of Capacitors — basic principles, characteristics and capacitor types costs €9.90 and is available from the Elektor Store. It's a welcome addition to Würth's acclaimed series of referenced books on passive components.