Review: (little) Noise Level Meter Kit

Having passed the soldering exercise, what's left to do is see if it works. The manual gives very precise instructions as to what to do if it does not work first time.
Even though it’s not a true measuring instrument, because it doesn’t give numeric values, this kit works quite well, without any calibration. As soon as it is switched on, it gives on its four LEDs a good indication of the level of environmental noise. The working of the circuit is explained well in the manual, which also gives a complete schematic.

Without being spectacular, these playful modes are worthy of study and will arouse interest and lead to questions about the treatment of sound waves with electronic circuits. The manual devotes a few pages to the rudiments of the measurement of sound pressure. This makes the kit an excellent educational tool.

This is a nice surprise even if it’s not the LCD display that the photo on the box led you to believe, but understand that at this price, it’s simply a “trompe-l'oeil” or skeuomorphic as Apple would say. .
After this fulsome praise, I conclude on a critical note: there is nothing in the manual about the microcontroller package – HT46F47, a Taiwanese chip and not well known in these parts. This choice and above all the total absence of open code take the shine off the educational possibilities of this sound meter kit, and definitely are the weak point.
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