The WIZwiki W7500 and its family members are rapid prototyping platforms featuring network connectivity with a hardwired TCP/IP stack. Its micro SD card slot offers lots of memory for serving for instance web pages or media files. The Arduino shield compatible extension connectors allow the board to be used with 3.3 volts shields, opening it up to the huge shield offering available on the internet.

Being mbed enabled, applications can be developed online without anything to install while enjoying drag-n-drop firmware programming. For those who prefer working offline with full debugging support an extensive peripheral library and the CMSIS-DAP interface make things as easy as it gets.

Once the board is out in the field firmware upgrades remain possible thanks to its ISP (and drag-n-drop) capabilities.

Add to that extensive online documentation in the shape of a Wiki and what you get is a versatile and more than capable platform for creating IoT and secure networking applications in no time suitable for newbies as well as seasoned developers.