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Thinking about installing a solar power solution? This expert-led guide covers DIY vs. professional systems, costs and the latest solar ener...

Meet Alex, the robotics engineer from Every Flavor of Robot, and learn about his open-source designs featuring ESP32 microcontrollers, custo...

Discover how the Arduino Portenta X8 can be used with Edge Impulse for your Edge AI projects in this Elektor Webinar featuring Arduino Pro....

Explore the new Raspberry Pi AI Camera's advanced features and accessories in this detailed unboxing and setup guide. With an integrated RP2...

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| Watch this insightful Elektor Lab Talk episode featuring Thomas Scherer about LED technology. He covers practical tips, cutting-edge advance...

| Meet Patrick Hood-Daniel, the creator of Build Your CNC. In this interview, we explore the intersection of electronics, programming, microco...

| Discover how cutting-edge AI, robotics, and DIY innovations are shaping the future of electronics, with insights from industry experts Alix...