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STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest

The STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest gives you the opportunity to showcase your creativity and design skills by creating exciting wireless applications using the powerful development and evaluation boards from STMicroelectronics. Whether you're passionate about IoT, robotics, gaming, home automation, or test and measurement, or AI, the possibilities are endless. €5,000 in cash prizes are up for grabs!

The Winners

After several exciting months of competition, during which dozens of innovative projects were submitted, the STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest has crowned its top three winners after an intense period of evaluation. As luck would have it, three Frenchmen won the podium places: Cédric Jiminez from Chambéry (first prize), Alain Romaszewski from Amélie-les-Bains (second prize), and Balthazar Deliers from Sequedin (third prize). Congratulations to all of them for their hard work!

Read more about the winning projects


The Nominees

After hours of reviewing the projects entered in the STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest, the judges have nominated five standout projects that exemplify technical excellence, creativity, and functionality. Congratulations to the nominees! The judges will select the top three projects from this group and announce the winners on April 10, 2024, live at embedded world 2024. The five nominees are:

Participating projects

Contest Essentials




  • Use one of the featured boards: NUCLEO-WBA52CGSTM32WB5MM-DK or NUCLEO-WL55JC.

  • Utilize the board's capabilities to design and develop wireless applications in any field of your choice.

  • Feel free to explore standardized protocols like LoRaWAN, Sigfox, and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), or create your own proprietary protocols.

  • Provide a clear documentation of your design, including the implementation details and any additional features or enhancements.





  • Contest Start: 1st of October 2023

  • Submission Deadline: 1st of March 2024

  • Nominees Announcement: 8th of March 2024

  • Winner's Announcement: 10th of April 2024




  • 1st Prize: €2,500

  • 2nd Prize: €1,500

  • 3rd Prize: €1,000



Don't miss this chance to showcase your wireless innovation skills, and join a vibrant community of creators. Submit your entry now and let your creativity shine!

Enter your Project

Ready to show off your STM32W-based project?
To enter the STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest, you must develop, document, and then submit your project details via the Elektor Labs online platform. (A free Elektor Labs account is required to enter.) Using the Elektor Labs platform, you must provide the following required items: Project Title, Project Teaser/Abstract, Project Details, Project Image, Description, and Elements (e.g., schematics and software). And don't forget to select the contest 'STM32 Wireless Innovation Design Contest ' to be part of the contest.

Click here to see how easy it is to upload your project.
  • Contest Start: 1st of October 2023
  • Submission Deadline: 1st of March 2024
  • Nominees Announcement: 8th of March 2024
  • Winner's Announcement: 10th of April 2024
  • Rules: Read the official Rules, Terms, and Conditions 
  • Entry Requirements: Your Entry must include the following:
    • Project Title
    • Teaser/Abstract
    • Project Image
    • Description: An in-depth description of what you built, how the board figures in the design, and your results.
    • Elements: All necessary schematics, block diagram, additional photos, PCBs, software/code, etc.
  • Judging Criteria: An independent panel of third party judges will select the top 3 winners based on technical merit, originality, and design optimization.

Judging & Participation

Judging Criteria: Entries will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Creativity and Innovation: The uniqueness and originality of the wireless application design.
  2. Technical Excellence: The technical proficiency and skill demonstrated in utilizing the chosen development board.
  3. Functionality and Practicality: The effectiveness and practicality of the wireless application in solving a real-world problem or enhancing user experience.
  4. Aesthetics and User Experience: The visual appeal, user interface design, and overall user experience of the application.
  5. Documentation and Presentation: The clarity, completeness, and quality of the project documentation and presentation.

Eligibility and Participation:

  1. The contest is open to individuals aged 18 years or older at the start date of the contest.
  2. Participants must have a valid physical and email address.
  3. Participants must participate as individuals and not as corporations, limited liability companies, or other entities.
  4. Officers, directors, and employees of Elektor, STMicroelectronics, and their subsidiaries or affiliates are ineligible to enter the contest.
  5. Participants must agree to follow the Official Rules and Terms and Conditions.
  6. To enter the contest, participants must complete all fields on the online form and submit it before the specified deadline.

The Boards


NUCLEO-WBA52CG is a Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless and ultra-low-power board embedding a powerful and ultra-low-power radio compliant with the Bluetooth® Low Energy SIG specification v5.3. The ARDUINO® Uno V3 connectivity support and the ST morpho headers allow the easy expansion of the functionality of the STM32 Nucleo open development platform with a wide choice of specialized shields.



The STM32WB5MM-DK Discovery kit is a demonstration and development platform for the STMicroelectronics STM32W5MMG module. This dual-core 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4/M0+ device integrates an ultra-low-power radio compliant with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.2, 802.15.4 with Zigbee, Thread, and proprietary protocols.



The Nucleo-WL55JC board is an evaluation board for the STM32WL-series of microcontrollers, and in particular the STM32WL55. This so-called sub-GHz wireless microcontroller is based on a dual-core 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4/M0+ with a clock frequency of 48 MHz. It features ultra-low power consumption, an RF transceiver with a 150 MHz to 960 MHz frequency range, 256 KB of Flash memory and 64 KB of SRAM.



Libraries & Tools

Libraries and development tools

All STM32 products are supported by the STM32Cube platform. STM32Cube is ST’s original initiative to simplify and ease the life of the developer by reducing development effort, time, and cost. It provides developers with a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and the low-layer (LL) APIs, a consistent set of middleware components, and many application examples that can be easily reused for custom application development.

STM32Cube includes STM32CubeMX, a graphical software configuration tool that uses graphical wizards to help the developer generate C initialization code.
A suitable toolchain for developing applications for the three boards presented in this article (and many more) is, of course, STM32CubeIDE from STMicroelectronics themselves, which is free of charge. Keil’s MDK-ARM and IAR’s Embedded Workbench can be used too, at the developer’s expense.
The stm32duino boards package for the Arduino IDE supports the STM32WB5MM-DK board. It also knows about the WL55JC, but without LoRa support. The WBA52CG board is not (yet) supported.
Both the STM32WB5MM-DK and WL55JC boards are also compatible with ARM’s mbed OS, so that is another avenue to explore.