STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about 1-wire (22)

| Having digested Elektor’s Nixie Bargraph Thermometer article [1] one reader based in the American Midwest kindly advised that temperatures i...

| Elektor LABS proudly present a kit to help you assemble your VFD-tube Clock from the article published half a year ago. You’ll build it with...

| The sampling frequency of the ScanaQuad SQ200 logic analyzer and signal generator is 200 MHz. Its input range is ±15 V, it offers various in...

| The DS28EC20 from Maxim is a 1-Wire EEPROM memory building block, housed in a cheap TO-92 package and a size of 20480 bits. The memory is di...

| If you are developing an app for a new IC and you want a fast and easy way to link its breakout board to a Linux or Windows PC, you will lov...

| The French company Ikalogic develops and produces various types of logic analyzers. Most of their products are finished units that you can u...

| If you are mainly involved in designing or repairing digital devices, a logic analyzer is more useful than an oscilloscope for tracing signa...

| Maxim announced that it is now sampling the MAX31850/MAX31851, cold-junction-compensated, 1-Wire thermocouple-to-digital converters. The dev...

Member Only​

| Almost ervery developer faces one day the situation that his (or her) uC project grows and finally runs out of port pins. In this case there...

| Almost ervery developer faces one day the situation that his (or her) uC project grows and finally runs out of port pins. In this case there...