STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with 1-wire and USB (5)

| The sampling frequency of the ScanaQuad SQ200 logic analyzer and signal generator is 200 MHz. Its input range is ±15 V, it offers various in...

| If you are developing an app for a new IC and you want a fast and easy way to link its breakout board to a Linux or Windows PC, you will lov...

| Modern computers no longer come with parallel or serial ports fitted. Although these ports see declining use in practice, to designers, a po...

| It’s often necessary to monitor the temperature of different rooms. For example in a green-house with various kinds of plant, in a wine cell...

| The 1-Wire bus from Dallas Semiconductor is very suitable for use in a small (home) network with various switches, sensors and actuators. Th...